Cant Sleep? Try Acupuncture.
/We spend about a third of our lives asleep. This can be music to the ears of many, or a frightful realization for those who struggle with slumber.
We’ve all been there, when you just can’t fall asleep, or stay asleep, due to racing thoughts, stressors, too much caffeine, or lack of comfort. But what about when this continues for days, weeks, even months? Acupuncture can help.
According to, “Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, has been linked to improved sleep and has also been shown to help treat insomnia.”
While more research is needed to determine exactly how it helps, many people swear by the effects. We know the procedure can help patients to relax and improve their sense of wellbeing, but according to the site it has also, “been shown to help manage sleep apnea, perhaps because it strengthens the tongue and prevents it from dropping back during the night and blocking your airway.”
Furthermore, according to, there are a few types of insomnia, according to Chinese Medicine, including:
· Sleep onset or difficulty going to sleep
· Middle of the night, or waking and unable to go back to sleep right away
· Terminal or late insomnia, or waking in the very early morning and cannot return to sleep again
· Sleep with vivid and disruptive dreaming
· Inability to sleep, in general.
It is important to keep in mind that a singular session may help to relax you, but to truly combat insomnia it is important to come up with a treatment plan that will span a period of assigned time. This largely depends on the nature, and cause of your insomnia.
To improve results, there are a few complimentary lifestyle changes that will work in conjunction with acupuncture. These can include restricting caffeine intake, limiting exposure to technology for 30-60 minutes prior to sleep time, breathing exercises, and light stretching.
Sweet dreams!