Good Morning America Writer Tries Facial Acupuncture (and Loves it!)


Joining the ranks of mega-celebrities who are turning to acuneedles to maintain their youthful glow, GMA writer Jacqueline Laurean Yates shared her experience this week.

Surprise — she’s a fan.

Yates said, “After noticing celebrities like Ashley Graham, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian posting photos of themselves with acupuncture needles coming out of their faces, I was really intrigued to learn what it was all about.”

So she did.

After a phone consultation with her acupuncturist where she explained her overall concerns consisted of moderate stress, lack of energy, oiliness, some dullness and noticeable inflammation, she was told acupuncture could help.

Nervous and excited, she arrived at the acupuncture center in New York City and felt “instant calm.”

As far as the results?

“Once the needles were removed, I took a look in the mirror and couldn't believe how much healthier my skin looked,” she said, saying there was an instant glow and lift near her cheeks.

In fact, “My husband even wondered if I had secretly done botox. Nope, just acupuncture to the face!”

So if you’re looking to ditch invasive, chemically based Botox or other procedures, it’s time you give acupuncture a try to help reach your skin and anti-aging goals. And we are here to help.

As Yates would tell you, “ it's truly an investment worth the shot(s).”