Overindulge Over the Holiday Season? We're Here to Help.

Holidays are filled with fun, family, and food. If you’re now finding yourself feeling a bit bloated, exhausted, sluggish, or are even seeing the scale creep up a bit higher than usual, you’re not alone. We can help.

If you’re looking to lose a few unwanted inches or pounds, try our unique trademarked treatment, AcuSculpt. Combining acupuncture and massage, it can help you get back to your pre-holiday bod in no time.

A natural, alternative therapy to help in your weight loss efforts, the system was designed by NJ Acupuncture Center’s owner and main acupuncturist Ani Baran L.AC, AcuSculptÔ It’s scientifically targeted and aims to slim and tone using acupuncture immediately followed by a firm pressured massage.

First, acupuncture needles are strategically placed first within predetermined weight meridians as they work to stabilize qi, facilitate energy flow, and reduce leptin. Next, electro-acupuncture is used, as micrucurrent stimulation is sent between pairs of needles which targets the releasing of accumulated or difficult to target qui.

Next, it's time for the massage.  Instead of a traditional massage, a firm and stimulating massage is performed and helps to release retained gas, fluid and bloat in the abdomen area and the thighs.

When performed over time, it AcuSculpt will stimulate metabolism, regulate your bowels and help fight against fluid retention, bloating and gas.  Of course, it’s not a quick-fix, and should be used consistently while being supplemented by a moderate and healthful diet.

You’ll be weight at the beginning of the treatment cycle, as your progress and weight loss will be monitored.

SO if you’ve found that you’ve had one (or ten) too many Christmas cookies or cocktails and are feeling more like Santa and less like Vixen, have no fear. AcuSculpt is here.

The Benefits of Facials

Here at NJ Acupuncture, we are proud to offer a variety of health and wellness services, caring for every part of your body — including your face.

We offer both HydraFacials and CryoFacials, in addition to massage therapy and acupuncture treatments, as part of our efforts to help you achieve holistic health and healing.

Benefit of Facials

But if you have a skincare routine down pat at home, you may be wondering why you need facials to begin with. Here’s why.

  1. A Deep Clean

    A professional facial will help you clear clogged pores and blackheads, deep cleaning beneath the surface of your skin, and extract any trapped debris within your pores.

  2. Relaxation

    Extractions aside, having a professional facial is soothing and relaxing — an excellent form of self-care.

  3. Exfoliation

    Consistent exfoliation will help to keep your skin glowing, free of accumulated dead skin cells and complexion dulling patches, revealing fresher, healthier skin.

  4. Anti-Aging

    Quality serums paired with refreshing and circulatory-boosting massage will help to boost your anti-aging efforts while combating fine lines and wrinkles.

  5. The Glow

    Be honest, is there anything better than the post-facial glow? If there is, we can’t think of it.

According to Allure.com and consistent with our recommendations, it’s ideal to schedule a facial for yourself once per month, for optimum results and skin health. We can happily pre-schedule these for you, and are eager to help you achieve your skin goals.

How Does CBD Help?

CBD is having a serious moment. For nearly 2 years now the CBD has taken over the wellness industry, and for good reason! It’s a natural, powerful way to heal.

Here at NJ Acupuncture Center, we are firm believers in the powers of CBD, and thats why we also offer it (complementary!) in our therapies.

Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a popular natural remedy used for many ailments — ranging from stress, pain, sleep problems, and more.

Better known as CBD, it is one of the 100+ compounds that can be found in the marijuana plant Cannibis, yet it’s absent of THC which is the ”drug” or mind-altering component. It’s extracted and then mixed with a carrier oil to be applied to the skin, or ingested.

Plus, since it doesn’t contain THC, it’s completely safe, and legal.

CBD has many positives, and the two that we are most excited about here at NJ Acupuncture Center are its pain relieving properties, as well as its impact on anxiety and depression.


Medicinal marijuana is commonly used in places it is approved, but what about CBD? Recently, it’s been discovered that it is quite effective, too.

Studies have shown that those with chronic pain may find relief in using CBD, because it impacts endocannabinoid receptor activity within the body. In fact, Healthline reports, “Several human studies have found that a combination of CBD and THC is effective in treating pain related to multiple sclerosis and arthritis.”

CBD Acupuncture


Emotional and behavioral struggles that affect so many, those who suffer from anxiety and/or depression can benefit, too.

Luckily, the use of CBD oil has shown to be effective in helping to alleviate symptoms naturally. According to Healthline, “In one study, 24 people with social anxiety disorder received either 600 mg of CBD or a placebo before a public speaking test. The group that received the CBD had significantly less anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, compared to the placebo group.”

It has also shown to have positive antidepressant-like effects in several animal studies, and it’s believed CBD can help to increase serotonin.

Be sure to ask us about CBD and how we can incorporate it into both your treatments and your daily wellness routines.

Acupuncture and Cytokine Storms

One of the most recent acupuncture studies has just revealed promising results — acupuncture was shown to activate “different signaling pathways that triggered either a pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory response in animals with bacterially induced systemic inflammation.” Essentially, the treatment was shown to dampen a potentially fatal “cytokine storm” which is defined as a “severe immune reacting in which the body releases too many cytokines into the blood too quickly.”




Cytokine Storms

Having a large amount of cytokines released at once can be quite harmful, and is usually the result of an infection, an autoimmune disorder, or other diseases. It can also occur after treatments that include immunotherapy.


Why was this study important?


We are constantly looking for scientific data to back up what we already know to be the true power of acupuncture. This is another positive piece of evidence, albeit in mice.


According to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, the lead investigators out of this Harvard study believe, “that the experiments will help to define the neuroanatomical mechanisms underlying acupuncture, and offer a roadmap for harnessing the technique to help treat inflammatory diseases.”


They said, ““Our findings represent an important step in ongoing efforts not only to understand the neuroanatomy of acupuncture but to identify ways to incorporate it into the treatment arsenal of inflammatory diseases, including sepsis.”


We look forward to following more on this, and are proud that our practice has once again proven to be effective in healing and health.




Holistic Ways to Handle PMS

We’ve spoken about how powerful acupuncture can be for female and reproductive health, so we love when we see it getting the attention it deserves.


Recently, acupuncture was included in SHAPE Magazine’s guide entitled “Holistic PMS Treatments to Help You Get a Handle On Your Hormones.”


PMS Acupuncture

Writer Jillian Dara reported that nearly 90% of all women experience symptoms of PMS during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycles, with symptoms ranging from the actual bleeding phase and cramps, to bloating, fatigue, headaches, breakouts and mood changes.  The hormone fluctuations can be no fun, but there are ways to manage that don’t include medications or hormonal replacement.


OF COURSE acupuncture is one. Acupuncture will help manage pain, promote relaxation and mood, restore circulation to reduce inflammation, and help with hormones.  But other treatments can be used in conjunction with acupuncture to help get through PMS, too!  When used together, it can be even better.


Exercise, nutrition, supplements, and CBD products were also recommended in the article, and we always recommend these to our patients as well.


By now you know that what you eat has a direct effect on your health, as does exercise and making sure you move your body each day in ways that feel right for you. We’re strong supporters of CBD and believe in its health benefits, as does Angela Le, D.A.C.M., L.A.C., a doctor of Chinese medicine and founder of Fifth Avenue Fertility Wellness.

Le who was quoted in the article as saying, “"In general, CBD helps with mood imbalances, improves resilience, and can relax the smooth muscle to minimize uterine cramps [when ingested or applied topically.]”


If you suffer from the symptoms of PMS, you don’t have to. Schedule an appointment today for consultation, acupuncture and CBD oil massage to help alleviate your symptoms and improved health!



Hydrafacials and Cryoslimming are Back!

We are thrilled to announce that beginning next week we will be offering Hydrafacials and Cryoslimming again! (In addition to acupuncture and massage, of course!) We can not wait to give your skin and body the extra TLC it deserves after quite some time spent at home. As always, we'll be taking every precaution for your health and safety. We can't wait to see you!

About the Hydrafacial: HydraFacial! In only 3 steps and 30 minutes, literally everyone, regardless of skin type or tone, can benefit from this state of the art facial because it does the three things that all healthy skin needs: cleanses, extracts, and hydrates.

Hydrafacials and Cryoslimming

About Cryoslimming: This non-invasive method alternates between using warm and cold treatments applied directly to the skin that works to breakdown fat cells and reduce body fat.

Call or click here to book today!

Acupuncture for Indigestion

Just yesterday, the New York Times ran a feature on the power of acupuncture in aiding symptoms of digestive distress.

A newly published study out of China showed promising results of the impact acupuncture can have on something called postprandial distress syndrome, or P.D.S.

PDS is known as a type of chronic, ongoing indigestion with symptoms including an unpleasant sense of fullness after eating that can also be accompanied by pain and burning in the throat and stomach.

The New York Times expalins, “he study, in the Annals of Internal Medicine randomized 228 otherwise healthy patients with P.D.S. to receive either acupuncture three times a week for four weeks, or a sham treatment that looked similar but did not involve the accurate placement and manipulation of needles. All the participants completed questionnaires about their symptoms — fullness, bloating, pain, burning, and so on — before and after the treatments.”

Acupuncture for Indigestion

The end result?

Of the group that received true acupuncture, 83% showed some benefits from the treatment, as opposed to 52 percent within the control group. Of the group that got actual treatment, 28% “ achieved complete elimination of post-meal fullness, bloating and early satiation, compared with 17 percent of those who received the placebo treatment.”

This study seems to further prove what we have already known (and seen firsthand) — that acupuncture can work wonders for many ailments, including uncomfortable digestion symptoms.

If you are suffering from gastrointestinal distress and would like to try acupuncture for some relief, please call our office to schedule a consultation and initial appointment!

A Lesson in Acupuncture Vocabulary

A Lesson in Acupuncture Vocabulary

We all may be finding ourselves with some extra time on our hands right now as we shelter in place, which many means some extra time for reading!

We were so happy to see this recent piece in Allure, that covers all the terms acupuncture patients should know.

We love seeing new patients, and know for many that their first time receiving acupuncture can be a bit overwhelming or confusing, and appreciated the time Allure took to spell out some of the most important terms.

Knowledge is power, and before your next treatment, be sure to brush up on your acu-vocabulary to make the most of your experience.

Here are the terms they clarified, as well as a few others we happen to think a e important, plus some extra information, too!

As always, please contact us with any questions — we love working with our patients to educate and empower!


The practice of acupuncture is essentially the act of, “painlessly piercing the skin with ultra fine stainless steel needles, which penetrate anywhere from .5 to 1 inch deep, depending on the treatment. The needles, and their precise placement, are believed to realign one’s energy force (see “qi”) by prompting a healing response within the body. The practice was first documented in approximately 100 B.C.; today more than 10 million treatments are administered annually in the United States. And that number might be poised to explode; as of this year, Medicare will cover acupuncture for those seeking relief from chronic lower back pain.”

Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART(

One of our favorite conditions to treat is infertility — as we truly believe in the power of acupuncture on helping women to conceive. In the medical world, fertility treatments are often called ARTs or Assisted Reproductive Therapies. This includes IVF and IUI.

Distal Points

Distal points are points on the body that may be manipulated that are not located near the area of body hat is of concern. Two points can be distal, “meaning they fall along the same energy pathway (aka, meridians) and are therefore believed to be connected.”


Fascia is the, “collagen-rich connective tissue that surrounds and connects muscles and organs.” It is believed acupuncture works to help support healthy fascia which can result in pain relief and increased mobility.


This is the essential part of acupuncture — the, “conceptual pathways along which energy moves throughout the body.” All acupoints (the physical locations where acuneedles are inserted) fall along different meridians. “ There are hundreds of acupoints in the body, but the hands, feet, and ears, in particular, are hot spots.”


This is a big one — it is the basis of much of eastern and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM.) Qi, essentially, is the body’s energy force. When it is blocked or not flowing properly, your inner imbalance is thrown off which can lead to a slew of health issues. Acupuncture aims to restore the balance of qi.


At Home Acupressure for Sleep

In these unprecedented times, it’s no surprise that many of us may be having trouble settling our minds before we head off to sleep.

While you may have tried all the “rules” (no screens before bed, a dark quiet room, eye mask, ideal temperature of 68 degrees, etc.) there may be one thing you haven’t tried — at home acupressure!

Acupressure points can absolutely help you to relax and get a better night's sleep. With similar functionality to acupuncture, the acupressure points are aligned within meridians and when acupressure is properly applied, 

The best points associated with sleep improvement and relaxation are: 

At Home Acupressure for Sleep

Kidney 3 - this point is located at the back of the ankle, by the malleolus. It is best known for the treatment of anxiety, night sweats, fear, and menopause symptoms. It also helps to tone the kidneys. 

Yintang - this is point is right in between your eyebrows, also known as the third eye. Proper manipulation of this point will lead to help with insomnia, headaches, anxiety, and stress. 

Spleen 6 - this point is located on the inner side of your leg, right above the ankle.  It's important to note to never manipulate this point during pregnancy as it's a popular point for labor induction massage.  This point helps with insomnia, as well as menstrual and pelvic pain and disorders.

Heart  7  - Also called “Shen Men” this spot is on the inside of the wrist if your palm is facing up, and it's at the cross-section of the pinky. This is a great spot to work on if your heart and mind are facing stress, turmoil, uncertainty or anxiety. It will help to calm and relax the patient.

It's important to note that to be effective, acupressure must properly be applied. You can't simply press on points and expect to drift off to sleep. 

How To Do It

The best way to perform any acupressure, including eye acupressure, is to do so first, carefully, and then with firm enough pressure to be effective. This should never be painful, but you should feel a sense of acute pressure in the area you are applying acupressure to.

For a gentler but still effective approach, massaging these points in a circular manner is a relaxing way to ease into the practice. Then,  I typically hold a point for ten to fifteen seconds, then release for about the same amount of time, and then repeating at the same point between 6-10 times, depending on the affliction.

Wishing you a restful night’s sleep.

What You Should Know About Acupuncture and Low Back Pain

Back pain is, unfortunately, something that affects so many of us — specifically low back pain.

It can range from an annoying ache to debilitating, mobility limiting pain that seems to flare up at the worst times. And if you’re suffering, you’re not alone.

In fact, here are some alarming statistics from the American Chiropractic Association:

Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability, preventing many people from engaging in work as well as other everyday activities.2

  • Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. One-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. In fact, it accounts for 264 million lost workdays in one year—approximately two workdays for every full-time worker in the country.

  • Experts estimate that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some time in their lives.

  • Back pain is the third most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, behind skin disorders and osteoarthritis/joint disorders.

  • Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic—meaning they are not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.

  • Low-back pain costs Americans at least $50 billion in health care costs each year and when you factor in lost wages and decreased productivity, that figure rises to more than $100 billion.


We aren’t. We treat back pain every single day, and we can help you too.

With proper treatment, acupuncture can trigger the release of endorphins and other pain-relieving hormones (endorphins) to help calm the nerves. It can also help to calm and relax you, thus relaxing any tense muscles or spasms that are caused by the pain.

Acupuncture will also rebalance your qi, and promote healthy blood flow to the areas of your body that need it the most.

Come in today for a free consultation, and be on your way to improvement in no time.

How Acupuncture Can Help Arthritis

Arthritis is a painful, often life-altering condition that is suffered by far too many.

According to The Arthritis Foundation (Arthritis.org), conservative estimates say that about 54 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Of these, 300,000 are babies or children with arthritis or rheumatic condition, babies and children have arthritis or a rheumatic condition, and the most common type of arthritis — osteoarthritis, affects an estimated 31 million Americans.

Thankfully, like many other conditions, acupuncture can help.

By reducing swelling, restoring blood flow, balancing qi and releasing pain-relieving hormones called endorphins, regular acupuncture treatment can help to reduce pain and increase mobility. Research supports this, too.

A 2012 study sought to provide supportive research, as acupuncture is often a bit controversial among eastern medical professionals — unfortunately. Researchers said, “We aimed to determine the effect size of acupuncture for four chronic pain conditions: back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, chronic headache, and shoulder pain.”

The results? Exactly what we’d predict. Acupuncture was, “superior to both sham and no acupuncture control for each pain condition.”

Researchers added, “We believe that our findings are both clinically and scientifically important.”

We also know that acupuncture and herbs is actually more effective than prescribed pharmaceuticals in treating spinal arthritis, and how it helped Bubba the Komodo Dragon restore mobility and reduce pain, too!

(Yes, acupuncture really does help animals just as much as humans!)

Acupuncture is a minimally invasive procedure that is certainly worth trying for anyone suffering from an arthritic condition.

Good Morning America Writer Tries Facial Acupuncture (and Loves it!)


Joining the ranks of mega-celebrities who are turning to acuneedles to maintain their youthful glow, GMA writer Jacqueline Laurean Yates shared her experience this week.

Surprise — she’s a fan.

Yates said, “After noticing celebrities like Ashley Graham, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian posting photos of themselves with acupuncture needles coming out of their faces, I was really intrigued to learn what it was all about.”

So she did.

After a phone consultation with her acupuncturist where she explained her overall concerns consisted of moderate stress, lack of energy, oiliness, some dullness and noticeable inflammation, she was told acupuncture could help.

Nervous and excited, she arrived at the acupuncture center in New York City and felt “instant calm.”

As far as the results?

“Once the needles were removed, I took a look in the mirror and couldn't believe how much healthier my skin looked,” she said, saying there was an instant glow and lift near her cheeks.

In fact, “My husband even wondered if I had secretly done botox. Nope, just acupuncture to the face!”

So if you’re looking to ditch invasive, chemically based Botox or other procedures, it’s time you give acupuncture a try to help reach your skin and anti-aging goals. And we are here to help.

As Yates would tell you, “ it's truly an investment worth the shot(s).”

Acupuncture Helping Those Who Respond to Natural Disasters


The past year has seen a number of devastating natural disasters in our country. Hurricane Harvey caused massive destruction in Texas, primarily the Houston area, while Puerto Rico is still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Maria. Right now in Northern California, the Carr Fire continues to cause massive damage, the 6th most destructive wildfire in the state’s history.

In all of these situations, first responders come to the affected area to provide the area with crucial services, including help to the victims and those who need to be evacuated. That work is incredible demanding on the body, and in such a high-pressure, stressful and fast-paced environment, first responders aren’t easily able to remember to take time to care for their bodies. And waiting months after the incident to treat injuries and pains makes the road to recovery that much more difficult.

Thankfully there are organizations out there that head to disaster areas with the goal of helping those in need and the first responders who are working to provide aid, such as Acupuncturists Without Borders and the Disaster Acupuncture and Massage Project. And new research shows that this type of treatment is very beneficial to its recipients. The study looked at over 1,000 victims and first responders in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Joso City Flood.

The victims were suffering all sorts of injuries and the first responders were frequently dealing with back, shoulder and knee issues brought about by the intense physical work of disaster relief. The study found significantly decreased pain in those who were administered massage and acupuncture.

Acupuncture helps folks recover from pain brought on by all sorts of situations. It’s great to know that it’s helping those who put their lives on the line in response to natural disasters.



The Versatile Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is becoming more and more popular around the world as its wide-ranging benefits become more well-known. But exactly how many different disorders and diseases can acupuncture treat? While the number is by no means exact or binding, the World Health Organization currently recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment for 47 diseases.


Many people seek out acupuncture as a treatment for general pain. But that pain is usually associated with a larger disease or disorder that is acting as the root cause. Those diseases are too often treated with medications that, while come can be effective, many times bring about a whole set of negative side effects as well. And we’ve learned more and more about the addictive properties of opioids, which many people are prescribed to treat all sorts and levels of pain.

“A lot of people are seeking a natural treatment in order to reduce the number of medications they take,” says Ning Qian, licensed acupuncturist with the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners who has been performing acupuncture for decades.

Qian treats patients who have consistently dealt with what are considered common illnesses, such as sinusitis, the flu, allergies and tonsillitis, as well as diseases and disorders like Parkinson’s Bell’s palsy, hypertension and more.

The fascinating and thing about acupuncture is that it doesn’t input anything into our body that isn’t already there. That’s why it is both such a safe and versatile treatment. Licensed acupuncturists know the body’s 360 major acupoints and which ones need to be stimulated based on the patient’s pain or disease they may be suffering from.

“When the needle is placed into the acupoint,” Ning says, “it allows blood and energy to flow into the targeted area.”

Acupuncture is also beneficial to people who haven’t been diagnosed with any disease or disorder, but want to increase their day to day energy and vitality. Qian treats patients who have consistently dealt with what are considered common illnesses, such as sinusitis, the flu, allergies and tonsillitis, as well as diseases and disorders like Parkinson’s Bell’s


Treating side effects of chemotherapry with acupuncture

Chemotherapy is one of the most widely-used and most-aggressive forms of cancer treatment. Even though often times the treatment is successful, it can put a tremendous amount of strain and discomfort on the recipient. Chemotherapy, while necessary in many cases, also brings along with it a wide range of symptoms and side effects. Depending on the type of treatment and type of cancer being treated, side effects can include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, infection, and more.


At just age 32, Kim Buettner was diagnosed with breast cancer. She began chemotherapy treatment, and endured many of its side effects. Often times, doctors will prescribe medications to deal with individual side effects. But sometimes they don’t work, as they didn’t for Kim.

“I tried a lot of the other options that they gave me, but it just wasn’t working,” Kim said. “So, one of the treatment suggestions they provided was acupuncture.”

Acupuncture is an approved treatment for chemotherapy side effects by the American Cancer Society, and for good reason. Many of the body’s reactions to chemotherapy are due to the body’s energy being thrown out of whack.

“It sends a signal up to the brain and the brain secretes out opioids, a natural pain killer. Or endorphins,” said Dr. Quang Lee, who treated Kim. “It helps shifts your mood or relax you.”

“I know it’s making a difference,” Kim said.

It’s making a difference for Kim because licensed acupuncturists can create treatments to specifically treat the side effects each patient is experiencing. By creating specialized and targeted treatments, acupuncture can correct, recalibrate and restore the body’s energy. With consistent treatment, symptoms will reduce.

That makes a huge difference for those who are in their fight against cancer. While acupuncture will not sure the disease, it can greatly improve the quality of life for patients who have to endure chemotherapy. If you or someone you know is suffering from side effects due to chemotherapy, acupuncture is here to help.


How Acupuncture Saved One Woman's "Mom Bod"

There’s nothing more beautiful and precious than bringing a new life into the world. But pregnancy can of course also be a physical burden on mothers, the incredible changes that the body goes through causing all sorts of aches and pains all over.

Caitlyn Doenges always suffered from back pain, and it only got worse when she was carrying her first child. Once her daughter was born, Caitlyn expected her pain to get better. Now that she wasn’t pregnant, wouldn’t her back have less strain on it? However Caitlyn soon realized that her baby brought many more physical challenges—holding the growing child, pushing her in a stroller, taking her in and out of car seats, etc. The day-to-day rigors of child care include lots of stretching, reaching, and straining—for someone who has a history of back pain, raising a child can often make it even worse. Eventually, Caitlyn’s pain took an even worse turn.


“All of this combined with my already bad back led to the herniation of a disc in my lower back,” she wrote. “The pain from this herniation radiated all the way down my leg and caused such severe nerve damage that three years later, a large part of my leg is still numb. I had to do something to get better.”

That something, for Caitlyn, wasn’t surgery or medications, both options she could have taken. Instead, she went down a holistic path that she had previously known nothing about: acupuncture.

Caitlyn initially was treated three times a week for the first few months, then eventually went down to at least once a week continuously for the past three years. Now that Caitlyn has two children, she certainly is doing plenty of lifting and stretching and pulling – but she’s living a much more comfortable and pain-free life. 

“Those tiny little needles have saved my mom body by allowing me to put away the pain meds and focus on being present with my kids.”



Can Acupuncture Help Asthma?

Approximately 8.4% of children and 7.6% of U.S. adults suffer from bronchial asthma, more commonly known as asthma. Common treatments for this disruptive and concerning breathing disorder include prescription medicine—often administered through an inhaler.  However, while many of these treatments for bronchial asthma help the symptoms, they aren’t too effective at attacking and healing the root causes. Those who suffer from the disorder may thankfully get a temporarily reprieve from symptoms, but those symptoms are likely to return. When it comes to something like asthma, every attack is one too many.  


However, a potential breakthrough in treatment appears to be on the horizon: acupuncture.

The China Academy of TCM recently performed a number of studies to see how effective  acupuncture and other holistic treatments can be in treatment of bronchial asthma. One study consisted of a comprehensive acupuncture regiment on 111 patients. Needles were retained for 20 minutes on a daily basis at the outset, with treatment ramping down to every other day as symptoms subsided. Of the patients, 48 underwent a positive change, 61 saw significant improvement, and 2 saw no change—an impressive 98% effective rate.

Further studies were done using moxibustion as well. Moxibustion was administered to a specific acupuncture point, and then moxibustion paste was applied to the point every day until the initial moxibustion scar was healed. This study of 299 patients yielded a 70.6% success rate—57 experienced a positive effect, and 124 saw a significant improvement.

How might these treatments help curb symptoms of asthma and have long-lasting effects?? Acupuncture allows relaxation of the muscles, relieving spasms that can cause asthmatic attacked. This increases ventilation, allowing the patient to breathe more safely and naturally.

If you or anyone you know suffers from bronchial asthma, acupuncture and moxibustion may be the next crucial steps to take.


Overindulge Over the Holidays? We’re Here to Help

Holidays are filled with fun, family, and food. If you’re now finding yourself feeling a bit bloated, exhausted, sluggish, or are even seeing the scale creep up a bit higher than usual, you’re not alone. We can help.

If you’re looking to lose a few unwanted inches or pounds, try our unique trademarked treatment, AcuSculptÔ. Combining acupuncture and massage, it can help you get back to your pre-holiday bod in no time.

A natural, alternative therapy to help in your weight loss efforts, the system was designed by NJ Acupuncture Center’s owner and main acupuncturist Ani Baran L.AC, AcuSculptÔ It’s scientifically targeted and aims to slim and tone using acupuncture immediately followed by a firm pressured massage.

First, acupuncture needles are strategically placed first within predetermined weightloss meridians as they work to stabilize qi, facilitate energy flow, and reduce leptin. Next, electro-acupuncture is used, as micrucurrent stimulation is sent between pairs of needles which targets releasing of accumulated or difficult to target qui.

Next, it's time for the massage.  Instead of a traditional massage, a firm and stimulating massage is performed and helps to release retained gas, fluid and bloat in the abdomen area and the thighs.

When performed over time, it AcuSculptÔ will stimulate metabolism, regulate your bowels and help fight against fluid retention, bloating and gas.  Of course, it’s not a quick-fix, and should be used consistently while being supplemented by a moderate and healthful diet.

You’ll be weight at the beginning of the treatment cycle, as your progress and weight loss will be monitored.

SO if you’ve found that you’ve had one (or ten) too many Christmas cookies or cocktails and are feeling more like Santa and less like Vixen, have no fear. AcuSculptÔ is here.