Calm the Mind with Acupuncture

In a time where our mind and bodies are forced to constantly be on and connected, it’s becoming more and more difficult to just relax. With longer workdays, social pressures and increased connectivity (whether you’re working from your bedroom or your couch), it’s nearly impossible to unplug which can be especially harmful for those that suffer from anxiety.

Luckily, anxiety is treatable.

Acupuncture Anxiety

You might have heard that talk therapy, physical activity, and medication are all viable options for anxiety relief, and that’s true for many. Yet often forgotten about is the holistic, natural and ancient approach of combating chronic worry and tension with the art of acupuncture.

If you’re having trouble relaxing or sleeping, are consumed with negative thoughts or are tired of feeling jittery all the time, we can help.

But how, exactly?

Perhaps this article from Everyday Health puts it best when it states, “Depending on where the needles go, acupuncture can cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself, or stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, including anxiety.”

In a personal testimonial found over on You Beauty, writer Avital Norman Nathman shared, “After a month of regular treatments, I couldn’t help but notice a difference. I would always have the best sleep of the week the night after my acupuncture appointment. And I would also feel lighter. My chest wouldn’t be clenched as tightly and the raw current of anxiety that seems to continuously float just beneath the surface of my skin was dissipate for a while, allowing me to experience a semblance of normalcy, if only for a little while. And I’m not the only one finding relief for anxiety with acupuncture.”

The actual acupuncture session itself can be quite calming, too – especially at NJ Acupuncture Center.  At our facility, we provide comfortable and heated beds, soothing music, essential oils for aromatherapy, and infrared heat to help calm the nervous system and encourage pure rest. 

Our massage options are also a great opportunity to soothe and muscular tension resulting from anxiety. 

If you find that fear, worry or anxiety has an unwanted presence in your life, it’s time to calm the mind and consider adding acupuncture into your wellness and self-care routines. We’d be honored to play a role in the healing process.




How Does CBD Help?

CBD is having a serious moment. For nearly 2 years now the CBD has taken over the wellness industry, and for good reason! It’s a natural, powerful way to heal.

Here at NJ Acupuncture Center, we are firm believers in the powers of CBD, and thats why we also offer it (complementary!) in our therapies.

Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a popular natural remedy used for many ailments — ranging from stress, pain, sleep problems, and more.

Better known as CBD, it is one of the 100+ compounds that can be found in the marijuana plant Cannibis, yet it’s absent of THC which is the ”drug” or mind-altering component. It’s extracted and then mixed with a carrier oil to be applied to the skin, or ingested.

Plus, since it doesn’t contain THC, it’s completely safe, and legal.

CBD has many positives, and the two that we are most excited about here at NJ Acupuncture Center are its pain relieving properties, as well as its impact on anxiety and depression.


Medicinal marijuana is commonly used in places it is approved, but what about CBD? Recently, it’s been discovered that it is quite effective, too.

Studies have shown that those with chronic pain may find relief in using CBD, because it impacts endocannabinoid receptor activity within the body. In fact, Healthline reports, “Several human studies have found that a combination of CBD and THC is effective in treating pain related to multiple sclerosis and arthritis.”

CBD Acupuncture


Emotional and behavioral struggles that affect so many, those who suffer from anxiety and/or depression can benefit, too.

Luckily, the use of CBD oil has shown to be effective in helping to alleviate symptoms naturally. According to Healthline, “In one study, 24 people with social anxiety disorder received either 600 mg of CBD or a placebo before a public speaking test. The group that received the CBD had significantly less anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, compared to the placebo group.”

It has also shown to have positive antidepressant-like effects in several animal studies, and it’s believed CBD can help to increase serotonin.

Be sure to ask us about CBD and how we can incorporate it into both your treatments and your daily wellness routines.

Feeling Anxious Before an Operation? Acupuncture Can Help.

Facing an upcoming operation or procedure can be anxiety-inducing. With so many questions, uncertainties and concerns, it’s common to be feeling scared, nervous or anxious. It’s also quite normal to feel stressed out or worried about what your recovery will be like.

How will you feel? Will there be pain? What will your limitations be?

While we, unfortunately, can’t be there to hold your hand, you may be surprised to know that acupuncture can help you to relax and recharge both before and after an operation.

Here’s how.

Feeling Anxious Before an Operation

According to a study published by Cision entitled Acupuncture and Surgery: Relieve Anxiety Before and Reduce Discomfort After, Dr. Constance Chen (a plastic surgeon and breast specialist) explains, “Acupuncture can effectively reprogram the body to switch from the 'fight-or-flight' stress response to rest and relaxation.”

She adds, “The precise mechanism that causes this effect isn't known but it may be due to acupuncture increasing the body's production of endorphins, the natural hormones that counteract inflammation, pain, and stress.”

The study further explains that in some studies, “ perioperative acupuncture has been found to reduce stress and anxiety before surgery, reduce the need for opioids during surgery, and decrease both pain and post-operative nausea and vomiting after surgery.

Perhaps even more interesting?

According to the article, acupuncture performed DURING surgery, “in combination with conventional anesthesia can reduce the dose of opioids needed and provide a more comfortable post-operative experience than anesthesia alone.” And then after surgery, “Acupuncture can help alleviate pain and reduce the amount of medication needed to control it. Post-operative acupuncture may also promote the recovery of the immune system, bladder function, and the gastrointestinal tract.”

This is just even more evidence of the incredible healing powers of acupuncture. If you’re facing an upcoming surgery and would like pre or post-operative acupuncture, call our office or click here to book an appointment today!


Acupuncture at the Border

Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you align yourself with, one thing is inarguable — tensions are high amidst the tragedy at the border. And believe it or not, acupuncture is helping.

As USA Today reported, acupuncturists are helping migrants stranded in Mexico deal with their physical and mental stressors.

Teams of volunteers lead by Acupuncturists Without Borders, or AWB (a nonprofit that treats people in disaster zones and refugee camps and trains other acupuncturists around the world) are actively providing individuals and families with free treatments throughout border towns in Mexico. 

Using NADA, the 5-point protocol that consists of ear acupuncture points to reduce stress, hundreds of migrants have received treatment this year alone, Diana Fried, AWB’s founder and co-executive director, told USA Today. Ear seeds are also used.

She told the publication, “They’ve been through enormous levels of challenges.” “It’s a very powerful experience for people who are in such a state of trauma to experience such a simple healing treatment.”

Acupuncturists Without Borders first began when Fried and a few volunteer acupuncturists traveled to New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The group, “ treated residents, first responders, roofers, construction workers and federal officials – more than 8,000 people in the course of a year.”

Now, they’re helping with the border crisis, too.

This story speaks to the power of acupuncture beyond what it is typically known for. Aside from physical healing, acupuncture plays a tremendous role in mental and emotional health as well. We are so grateful to be a part of the holistic healing community for those who need it the most.

Why Acupuncture Can Help You Through The Most Wonderful (And Stressful!) Time of the Year

It seems like each year the decorations go up earlier, the sales get pushed up a bit, and the radio stations start pumping out the same 8 songs over and over again before everyone’s even ready. But now there’s no escaping it—we’re officially in the throes that is the Holiday Season.

Even for those of us whom this is the best time of the year, the holidays are never not stressful. There’s lots of running around to see family and friends, work to get done before the calendar turns over, turkeys and desserts to be made, gifts to be bought. And for some out there, the hustle and bustle of the holidays can exacerbate our anxieties and lead to high stress.

It’s as good a time of year as ever to take advantage of acupuncture’s unique ability to help the body and mind relax, reduce anxiety, and operate at its peak. Acupuncture improves myriad bodily functions, particularly the nervous system which controls so much of how our mind feels and what response it creates in the body,

“Depending on where the needles go, acupuncture can cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself, or stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, including anxiety,” writes Everyday Health.

The holidays are a time that can feel very go go go, where we don’t have as much time as we normally do to ourselves to recharge and relax. Acupuncture isn’t going to make your life less busy, but by regulating the body’s energy (or qi), consistent treatments can help you make the most of the time your body and mind is supposed to be is relaxing, like when you’re sleeping.

In a personal testimonial at You Beauty, writer Avital Norman Nathman shared, “I would always have the best sleep of the week the night after my acupuncture appointment. And I would also feel lighter. My chest wouldn’t be clenched as tightly and the raw current of anxiety that seems to continuously float just beneath the surface of my skin was dissipate for a while, allowing me to experience a semblance of normalcy, if only for a little while.

This year, let the holidays the special time of year they’re supposed to be by making acupuncture a regular part of your mental, physical, and emotional wellness routine.

How Acupuncture Helped Ease A Woman's Anxiety

It is well-established, with scientific backing, that acupuncture is effective at treating anxiety. Acupuncture’s ability to regulate the body’s qi often helps those who suffer from anxiety feel more relaxed, more in control of their emotions, more present and more confident. We can go on in detail about how and why acupuncture is a valuable part of a treatment regimen for those suffering from anxiety, but we love when we come across personal stories of those who are discovering acupuncture’s benefits for the first time.

So when we saw this personal, first-person account on Popsugar from author Alexandra Hubbel the other day, we couldn’t help but smile…and of course share it with you.

Alexandra tells of how she was suffering from a number of symptoms like dizziness and inflammation, stemming from what she believed was her anxiety. When a friend suggested acupuncture, Alexandra was skeptical at first but gave it a shot.

Then comes our favorite part of the story. As Alexandra writes:

The acupuncturist actually listened. She let me cry. She sympathized. She offered advice. And she didn't make me feel crazy or overdramatic or try to blame my physical symptoms on anxiety and depression alone.

This represents something important to us that doesn’t often get talked. We can’t speak for everyone, of course, but we can promise that we’re a judgment-free zone. It is important that every patient feels comfortable coming to us and describing what they are feeling—that way we can accurately treat what is ailing them. It’s understandable that many people are apprehensive about telling an acupuncturist about something like anxiety. But we are here to help with anything you may be going through and build out a personalized treatment plan that will create lasting change.

Alexandra’s acupuncturist told her “that there's a light at the end of this painful, exhausting tunnel.” We couldn’t think of a better way to describe acupuncture’s goal.

Top 10 Tips for First Time Patients

Trying anything new for the first time can be overwhelming and even a little scary. Pair that with the concept of essentially having a stranger stick “needles” in your body, and it can be downright terrifying – but it doesn’t have to be, nor should it be.

At NJ Acupuncture Center, we fully understand that first time patients may be a bit apprehensive. SO, we put together this handy little guide of the top 10 tips for first time acupuncture patients. You can thank us later.


1.     Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.

Depending on your needs, you can receive acupuncture treatment from head to toe. Therefore, it is essential to wear loose fitting clothing that is both comfortable, but can also be rolled or pulled up for access to all necessary meridians.

2.     Turn off your cell phone.

Unplug! This is “you” time. To best relax, turn off your phone – don’t put it on vibrate. (You’ll still hear it!)

3.     Be open and honest.

Share any medical experiences and concerns with your acupuncturist. Any emotions you’re struggling with or past experiences can only help you to receive the best treatment.

4.     Write down a list of questions, comments or concerns.

Acupuncture will work best when both you and your practitioner and you are on the same page. If you have any questions, comments or concerns -  as well as treatment goals – write them down so you don’t forget anything during your consult!

5.     Be mindful of scheduling.

It is ideal to schedule your appointment at a time that you can then relax afterwards. Though, if you can only squeeze in lunch-break appointments, any time slot is better than none. 

6.     Eat something light.

You don’t want to be super full, or super starving for your session. Ensure that you’ve eaten something light and healthy prior to your time.

7.     Show up early.

For your first appointment, there will be intake paperwork. Show up at least 10-15 minutes early to ensure you have ample time to thoughtfully and accurately complete any paperwork that is needed.

8.     Avoid caffeine.

You’ll want to be able to lay still and relaxed during your time here. So, chugging a large iced coffee prior to coming isn’t the best idea. (Really, it’s not a good idea at any time, but more on that later.)

9.     Breathe

It’s a human reaction that at times when you’re nervous or anxious, you hold your breath. Remember that breath is your life force! Breathe regularly and consistently. Focusing on your breath can help to deepen your relaxation.

10. Relax and enjoy!