Calm the Mind with Acupuncture

In a time where our mind and bodies are forced to constantly be on and connected, it’s becoming more and more difficult to just relax. With longer workdays, social pressures and increased connectivity (whether you’re working from your bedroom or your couch), it’s nearly impossible to unplug which can be especially harmful for those that suffer from anxiety.

Luckily, anxiety is treatable.

Acupuncture Anxiety

You might have heard that talk therapy, physical activity, and medication are all viable options for anxiety relief, and that’s true for many. Yet often forgotten about is the holistic, natural and ancient approach of combating chronic worry and tension with the art of acupuncture.

If you’re having trouble relaxing or sleeping, are consumed with negative thoughts or are tired of feeling jittery all the time, we can help.

But how, exactly?

Perhaps this article from Everyday Health puts it best when it states, “Depending on where the needles go, acupuncture can cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself, or stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, including anxiety.”

In a personal testimonial found over on You Beauty, writer Avital Norman Nathman shared, “After a month of regular treatments, I couldn’t help but notice a difference. I would always have the best sleep of the week the night after my acupuncture appointment. And I would also feel lighter. My chest wouldn’t be clenched as tightly and the raw current of anxiety that seems to continuously float just beneath the surface of my skin was dissipate for a while, allowing me to experience a semblance of normalcy, if only for a little while. And I’m not the only one finding relief for anxiety with acupuncture.”

The actual acupuncture session itself can be quite calming, too – especially at NJ Acupuncture Center.  At our facility, we provide comfortable and heated beds, soothing music, essential oils for aromatherapy, and infrared heat to help calm the nervous system and encourage pure rest. 

Our massage options are also a great opportunity to soothe and muscular tension resulting from anxiety. 

If you find that fear, worry or anxiety has an unwanted presence in your life, it’s time to calm the mind and consider adding acupuncture into your wellness and self-care routines. We’d be honored to play a role in the healing process.




Acupuncture for COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a devastating disease that is caused by inflammation of the lung that results in obstructed airflow. Patients experience difficulty breathing, coughing, mucus and phlegm and wheezing and sadly — the disease is caused my long term exposure to harmful gasses or smoke, most often cigarette smoke.

Unfortunately, more than 11 million Americans have been diagnose with COPD, and according to the American Lung Association, millions more may also have it without knowing.

Thankfully, amidst the suffering most COPD patients explore, a recent study has shown that acupuncture can be an effective treatment that is safe, and has a low risk of any adverse effects.

The First Clinical Medicine College of Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine released results of a controlled clinical trial that compared acupuncture treatment among COPD patients with the use of the drug Seretide – a prescription inhaler.

The study concluded that, “both the drug Seretide and acupuncture monotherapy treatments offer significant benefits for patients suffering from COPD,” with improvements including gains in lung function, reduction in symptoms, and enhanced quality of life overall.

Though it was observed that acupuncture treatments resolved the symptoms more slowly than the Seretide inhaler, it showed improvement nonetheless — and holistically at that.

If you find yourself struggling with any symptoms of COPD, the first step is to consult your physician. They will be able to offer you the appropriate diagnostic tests and a thorough assessment.

 If you are in fact diagnosed, know that acupuncture can help. When used in conjunction with traditional COPD treatments, acupuncture can help you to breathe a bit easier and find more comfort — without any side effects or risks.

A Bite of Acupuncture Helps Soothe Tooth Pain


It’s a terrible feeling – you take a sip of a nice cold beverage, and all of a sudden a sharp pain bears down on your tooth. It may mark the beginning of a long tough road dealing with a persistent toothache. While a trip to the dentist is certainly in order, you don’t want to reach for the over-the-counter pain medications in the meantime. Instead, there’s a natural way to effectively and safely treat that nagging tooth pain and restore a happy life of carefree eating and drinking.

Pain is a result of the body’s energy being all out of whack. The meridians that course throughout our body, that tell our brain whether or not we should be feeling pain, are blocked. Acupuncture opens up these channels, allowing the body’s energy to balance out, which relieves pain. Treating a toothache is no different than any other pain. When our tooth hurts, the meridians that lead to the mouth are acting up and need to be cleared.

"Treatment is directed toward soothing the circulation and detoxifying the meridians near the affected area,” say acupuncturists from Advanced Acupuncture in Santa Monica, CA.

There are a number of specific points that acupuncturists target when a patient is dealing with a toothache, depending on where in the mouth the pain is being experienced. “Ear gate” is targeted to alleviate upper-jaw tooth pain, while the “jawbone” point, located in the stomach, is more specific to mouth and jaw pain. Another stomach point, “below the joint” treats lower jaw tooth pain.

Of course, if you are experiencing any tooth or jaw pain, it is recommended that you see a dentist, who can assess problems with the teeth, gums or jaw. But the great thing about acupuncture for tooth pain is that it is effective whether the patient is experiencing pain before or after a visit to the dentist. So if you’re feeling some discomfort in those pearly whites, or just got them treated and are recovering, don’t hesitate to see us!