Calm the Mind with Acupuncture

In a time where our mind and bodies are forced to constantly be on and connected, it’s becoming more and more difficult to just relax. With longer workdays, social pressures and increased connectivity (whether you’re working from your bedroom or your couch), it’s nearly impossible to unplug which can be especially harmful for those that suffer from anxiety.

Luckily, anxiety is treatable.

Acupuncture Anxiety

You might have heard that talk therapy, physical activity, and medication are all viable options for anxiety relief, and that’s true for many. Yet often forgotten about is the holistic, natural and ancient approach of combating chronic worry and tension with the art of acupuncture.

If you’re having trouble relaxing or sleeping, are consumed with negative thoughts or are tired of feeling jittery all the time, we can help.

But how, exactly?

Perhaps this article from Everyday Health puts it best when it states, “Depending on where the needles go, acupuncture can cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself, or stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, including anxiety.”

In a personal testimonial found over on You Beauty, writer Avital Norman Nathman shared, “After a month of regular treatments, I couldn’t help but notice a difference. I would always have the best sleep of the week the night after my acupuncture appointment. And I would also feel lighter. My chest wouldn’t be clenched as tightly and the raw current of anxiety that seems to continuously float just beneath the surface of my skin was dissipate for a while, allowing me to experience a semblance of normalcy, if only for a little while. And I’m not the only one finding relief for anxiety with acupuncture.”

The actual acupuncture session itself can be quite calming, too – especially at NJ Acupuncture Center.  At our facility, we provide comfortable and heated beds, soothing music, essential oils for aromatherapy, and infrared heat to help calm the nervous system and encourage pure rest. 

Our massage options are also a great opportunity to soothe and muscular tension resulting from anxiety. 

If you find that fear, worry or anxiety has an unwanted presence in your life, it’s time to calm the mind and consider adding acupuncture into your wellness and self-care routines. We’d be honored to play a role in the healing process.




Know the Different Types of Acupuncture

Acupuncture continues to grow across the world as a popular treatment for pain and symptoms of a number of diseases and conditions. Most of the time when you hear that someone has received acupuncture, you have one thing in mind. However, the term “acupuncture” has sort of become a catch-all for many different types of treatments that are available to patients. Since acupuncture is an ancient treatment, there have been updates and iterations over the years. Now, many different forms of acupuncture are out there, with their own strengths at treating different conditions. It’s always good to be informed, so we’ve put together a list for you of the most common types of treatments that often fall under the “acupuncture” umbrella.

Body Acupuncture – This is what likely comes to mind when you hear the word acupuncture. Tiny needles inserted into certain points and meridians along the body that regulate the flow of energy and promote healing.

Ear Acupuncture – Traditional Chinese Medicine says that the ear contains acupuncture points that can heal every area of the body. So, many acupuncturists will focus their acupuncture in the ear, using the same needles as in the body, whether on its own or in conjunction with body acupuncture points.

Electroacupuncture – Particularly useful for treating pain, electroacupuncture uses small clips on top of regular acupuncture needles to send an electric current in between two acupuncture needle points. The extra stimulation can improve the flow of energy between the points, helping heal pain.

Acupressure – Utilizing the knowledge of acupuncture points and meridians, acupressure pinpoints these same areas to heal pain, but uses massage and pressure instead of inserting a needle. Many acupuncturists will teach patients the proper areas, since patients can perform it themselves at home.

Moxibustion – When small amounts of herbs are placed on top body acupuncture needles and then lit, giving the area an extra boost of warmth.

Cupping – Usually done in tandem with acupuncture, cupping uses rubber or glass cups that are suctioned onto specific areas of the body. This can help when traditional body acupuncture needs a little bit of a boost when energy along a certain point has become stagnant. Cupping can leave marks on the body where the cup has suctioned on, but they are temporary.

Types of Acupuncture

Expecting? Here's How Acupuncture Can Help Your Pregnancy Symptoms

Whether you’re newly pregnant or are in the throes of an uncomfortable third trimester, you know all too well the ups and downs of pregnancy.

Sure, it’s a total miracle that we are grateful for. But that doesn’t mean it is easy on our bodies!

Whether you’re struggling with prenatal anxiety, aches and pains from the added weight and pressure of your baby, pregnancy-related insomnia, nausea, restless leg syndrome, or a few other symptoms, we’re here to help.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Yes, acupuncture can and does help relieve many of the physical and mental woes that come along with the pregnancy territory.

According to the famed What to Expect website, science has studied that can relieve the following pregnancy symptoms:

  • Morning sickness (acupuncture points around the rest can be targeted. to help reduce unpleasant nausea and vomiting that might come along, especially in the first trimester.) 

  • Lower back and pelvic pain (You're bound to have some aches and pains as your uterus expands and you're gaining weight. According to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, acupuncture can help relieve this by targeting points on the ear. In fact, a study revealed that 80% of women in a group who had this type of treatment had a clinically significant reduction in pain, compared to 56$ of women who had "fake" acupuncture, and 36% of women who received no treatment.) 

  • Depression (Hormones are bound to make your emotions feel a little out of whack, but actual depression while preggo is fairly common too, affecting nearly 25% of women. In a study from the journal titled Obstetrics & Gynecology, a clinical trial revealed that 65% of  clinically depressed pregnant women who received acupuncture specifically for depression responded to treatment, while only 44% of women who received general acupuncture or massage responded.) 

  • Headaches (Restoring the balance of qi and blood flow can help to relieve the pain brought on by pregnancy-induced headaches.)

  • Sleep Problems (Though pregnancy is exhausting, many women find it difficult to sleep. Acupuncture can help people restore their sleep cycles and get meaningful rest, whether they are pregnant or not.) 

There is a slew of other supportive articles too.

Here, WebMD outlines how acupuncture can help with pregnancy-related pelvic pain,

And here, Shape magazine discusses the safety of acupuncture while pregnant — where our very own Ani Baran, LaC is quoted!

If you’re looking to ease some of your pregnancy aches, pains, and symptoms, give us a call or click here to book today.




Manage Your Migraines with Acupuncture

Acupuncture Migraines

With approximately 28 million Americans currently suffering from migraines, we are proud to offer acupuncture care that is aimed at helping manage migraine pain, frequency, and intensity.

A recent post by the Journal Advocate one again hi-lights the power of acupuncture, especially when combined with chiropractic care, to help patients in managing their migraines. Their most recent article addresses the issues with current treatment methods for migraines.

“The most common treatment for migraine involves drugs and medications that cause a number of unpleasant side effects like nausea, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. These medicines just suppress the symptoms of migraines; they do not eliminate the root cause of the problem. Thus, if the patient stops taking the medicines or forgets to take them on time, the attacks return and are often more severe in nature.”

As acupuncturists, we believe in treating the root of the problem while also helping to manage symptoms.

By restoring the balance of qi within the body, stimulating circulation, reducing inflammation and promoting less stress and feel-good hormones, acupuncture can help make your migraines more manageable and thus, improve your quality of life.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic migraines and hasn’t yet tried acupuncture, a migraine-free future may be just a treatment away.

Read more on how acupuncture helps migraines, here.

Pregnancy related insomnia? We can help with that, too.

Anyone that has ever been pregnant can probably relate all too well to pregnancy related-insomnia, and exhaustion.

But according to recent findings published by Nature and Science of Sleep, acupuncture can improve sleep quality in pregnant women. How? By possibly increasing melatonin secretion, this article in Psychiatry Advisor explains.

Pregnancy related insomnia

Explaining the study, the article hilights a study performed by Saeedeh Foroughinia, MD, of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Shiraz University Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, and colleagues. They conducted a, “randomized, parallel, single-blinded, controlled trial on 72 pregnant women with insomnia. “

The women were assigned randomly to receive either 10 sessions of acupuncture over the span of 3 weeks, or the “control” group which instead received sleep education and sham or “fake” acupuncture.

The results?

The 26 patients who received real acupuncture treatment significantly improved in both the PSQI score ( Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ) and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels (the main metabolite of melatonin in urine).

We’ve long known how acupuncture can help improve sleep habits, but this is reassuring for anyone experiencing pregnancy insomnia, too!

Researches noted, “Acupuncture efficacy could be attributable to its regulatory effect on various neuroendocrinological pathways.”

They added, “It has been shown that stimulation of certain acupoints resulted in a change in a wide range of neuroendocrinological mediators, such as norepinephrine, melatonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and β-endorphin.”

If you’re having trouble sleeping while expecting (or not!) call or click here to book your appointment today!

Having Trouble Going? Acupuncture Can Help

We all know the saying, “When you gotta go, you gotta go”.

But for many among us, having to go can be an unpleasant and painful process. Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS is the most common gastrointestinal disorder, affecting nearly 15% of the population. However, IBS is also one of the most underreported disorders in the country, as many people don’t even recognize the symptoms of IBS, or think that they are a problem than can be treated. IBS can cause recurring abdominal pain and discomfort, along with irregular frequency of bowel movements and consistency of stool.

Having Trouble Going? Acupuncture Can Help

Especially with all that is going on in the world right now, it is not uncommon for stress and anxiety to affect our bowel function and manifest in digestive discomforts. While a number of medical treatments that can help aid the symptoms, thankfully one alternative method has been proven to be most effective against one of the most common forms of IBS.

A recent study performed in China at Yiwu Central Hospital has shown acupuncture to be an effective treatment of IBS-D, the form of the disorder associated with diarrhea. Along with receiving herbal medicines, the test group was administered acupuncture at 7 key points, with the needles remaining in place for 30 minutes. The points were chosen because they’re known to benefit the liver and spleen—in particular, soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen. This helps firm the intestines, which prevents diarrhea from occurring.

The treatment was found to be effective and improve the symptoms in over 90% of the patients; in addition, it was found to completely cure the symptoms in nearly 35% of patients! If you or anyone you know is suffering from the symptoms of IBS, acupuncture could be the solution. Balancing the energy in the body helps in all facets of life, even the ones we don’t talk much about.  

Desk Neck? It's a Thing.

Chances are that during this COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve been self-isolating for nearly two weeks now. This means most of us are working from home which, unfortunately, probably means more time being sedentary and on screens which. Unless you have perfect posture, this can result in what we like to call “tech-neck” or “desk-neck.”

Neck pain is not fun, and it has a way of radiating throughout the body and affecting every facet of your daily life, even causing headaches, immobility, and even difficulty sleeping and relaxing. (And many of us are having trouble sleeping and relaxing right now as is!)

Thankfully, acupuncture and acupressure can help.

In many ways, acupressure massage can offer prompt relief of pain and increases mobility.

Here are three spots you can gently try to massage to find some relief.

Desk Neck? It's a Thing.

Fengchi, GB20: this is located along the ear bone nestled in the groove back to where your neck muscles attach to your skull.

Hegu, LI4: this point is located on your hand, in between your thumb and pointer finger.

Jiaji (on the affected side): located along the vertebrae.

Pressing firmly but comfortably along the Fengchi and Hegu points for ten seconds, releasing for five, and repeating again for a series of 5 or 6 times can be an effective at-home exercise to practice.

Don’t let neck pain be, well, a pain in the neck. We’re here to help.

Acupuncture and Depression

Acupuncture and Depression

Recently, Bustle explored something very near and dear to our hearts — the relationship between acupuncture and mental health. Specifically, the relationship between acupuncture and depression.

Speaking to various doctors and practitioners, it spoke of what we already know to be true, but love to hear it time and time again — that acupuncture can, and does help those struggling with a depressed mood.

We know that maintaining a balanced flow of qi can work wonders for mental health, and can release positive-feeling endorphins as well as a calming effect, too.

Bustle spoke with Dr. Josh Klapow Ph.D, a clinical psychologist, who also explained how acupuncture can be a helpful treatment for depression because it can reduce muscle tension, soothe the central nervous system, and improve your mood. It's also an excellent way to take time out of your day for yourself.

Though, Dr. Klapow said that studies have found that acupuncture isn't an effective primary treatment for depression, but rather is most effective when used in conjunction with other options as well. (Like therapy, exercise, dietary changes, etc.)

The article also explored research that has been performed looking into the matter — some positive and some less so.

Some of the more affirming studies included a review study published in the British Journal of Midwifery in 2018 which, “looked at 1,592 studies of depression and acupuncture to see if there was evidence that acupuncture might help postpartum depression." Only three studies fit the bill, and only one of those three showed that acupuncture might be as effective as the antidepressant fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac) for treating PPD. The other two studies didn't show much difference, but it certainly didn't seem as if acupuncture did any harm.”

We believe that giving acupuncture a try is ALWAYS worth it — as it quite literally can’t hurt, and can only help.

One Woman Shares How She Beat Her Migraines with Acupuncture

If you’re one of the million Americans who, unfortunately, suffer from migraines — you’re not alone. We know how desperate you might be to find some relief, and we’re happy to say we can help.

But, don’t just take our word for it. Meet Samantha Fletcher, who recently told the Daily Mail all about her struggles, and how she found relief through acupuncture.

Struggling since age 13, Fletcher said, “the migraines were mild and rare at first, but they became frequent and unmanageable. Two years ago, at the age of 26, I was having two a week.”

Beat Her Migraines with Acupuncture

Despite medications and other traditional approaches to find relief, she then decided to give acupuncture a try.

She describes her thoughts during her first treatment saying, “I lay there for half an hour, then she returned to the room, took them out and sent me on my way. To my surprise, the next week was the first in years when I didn’t have a migraine. Had I found something that worked, or was it a fluke?”

It most definitely wasn’t a fluke.

Going once a week for several months that followed, Fletcher says, “I would leave feeling calm and less tense — and I had only two migraines in nine months while having acupuncture.”

Fletcher concluded, “Without the migraines, I have more energy, I feel happier, I can exercise again and it’s much easier to work. Skeptics may say it’s just the placebo effect — but I don’t mind if it is.”

We believe in the healing powers of acupucnture. If you’re struggling with migraines, let us help.


What is a Massage, Really?

You know they feel amazing and you know they help with stress and tension — but what is a massage, really?

What’s the purpose, the point? How do they work and what are the different kinds?

It’s important to know what type of service you’re going to receive, so we’re here to help. Here’s all you need to know about the three most common types of massage we offer: acupressure, deep tissue, and relaxation.


What is a Massage, Really

Acupressure massages are highly effective when performed by properly trained therapists. Using the same underlying philosophy as acupuncture, the approach uses firm pressure at acupoints and pressure points as opposed to acuneedles. During acupressure, physical pressure from the fingers is applied to acupuncture points throughout the body with the ultimate goal of clearing blockages within the affected meridians. The specific points of treatment will depend on the patient’s chief complaints and/or wellness goals.

Deep Tissue

If you find you’re suffering from muscle tension, cramping, anxiety or those pesky shoulder knots that develop over time from tension and poor posture — a deep tissue massage is the best option from you. Using firm and targeted pressure, the therapist will use deep pressure with slow strokes that are relaxing but also purposeful as they aim to reach the deep layers of your connective tissues and muscles. Though these massages are targeted and you should feel pressure, be sure to speak up if you feel pain. And, drink plenty of water after to help flush out the toxins!

Sweedish Massage

If you are in need of some “me” time and relaxation, a “typical” Sweedish massage is definitely what you’re after. This full-body, gentle massage is good at relieving tension and just feels really good, too. While it can also help to relieve muscle knots, it’s a great option for clients that might be new to massage, or are pretty sensitive to firmer pressure. Your therapist will use long, slow strokes across your body which will help to improve circulation and blood flow, promote relaxation, and maybe even soothe you off to sleep!

Before booking, be sure to consult with your therapist as to which type of service is best for you.


How Acupuncture Can Help with Your Resolutions

Happy New Year, everyone!

We hope your New Year’s Eve was fun and festive, and that 2019 is off to a great start for all.

One of the most exciting parts of flipping the calendar is setting new goals and intentions for the year ahead. So as you forge forward into 365 new blank pages, we’re here to support you regardless of the resolutions you have chosen for yourself.

Here’s how acupuncture can help aid you in the process of sticking to the four most popular New Year’s resolutions.

Weight Loss

The most popular resolution year after year, weight loss is a challenge many of us have taken at one point or another. Luckily, acupuncture can help by improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and helping to manage your appetite.

Save Money

This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s not. The cost of regular acupuncture (especially if it’s covered by your insurance) is far less than what over the counter remedies, prescriptions and specialist visits will amount to through the year. By taking preventative measures, you can take charge of your health now to prevent costly encounters later.

Stress Less

In this fast pace life where we are connected 24/7, it’s easy to get stressed. And aside from the unpleasant emotional toll stress can cause, it can wreak havoc on your physical body, too. Luckily, acupuncture can help restore the relaxation in your life. By giving you quiet time to yourself, increasing endorphins and aiding in sleep, regular treatments will leave you feeling calmer and energized instead of frazzled and weary.

Be Present

We are all too often distracted from the present moment. But at NJ Acupuncture Center, you can disconnect from everything and just relax during your session — clearing your mind, focusing n your breathing, practicing meditation — whatever helps you live in the “now”, instead of the past or the future.

Botox, or Cosmetic Acupuncture?

We’ve covered the benefits of facial or cosmetic acupuncture before — but recently, Forbes published an article that we were oh so happy to see..

Entitled, Is Cosmetic Acupuncture The New Botox? (we think so, yes!) Forbes investigated the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture as it gains in popularity across the globe, especially in the US and the UK.

Diving into the work of Dr John Tsagaris, a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine who was one of the first in the UK to offer facial acupuncture, the article provides an in-depth look at the treatment and its benefits and results.

Much like we do here at NJ Acupuncture Center, the article explained that “Dr. Tsagaris uses acupuncture, specific bodywork, as well as herbal, supplement and lifestyle recommendations to help clients “age well” rather than to try to artificially hold back time. His signature treatment, ‘beauty acupuncture,’ combines acupuncture with traditional facial treatments.“

Yes, acupuncture can both help battle signs of aging and help prevent signs of aging. It’s a win/win.

The relatively painless and minimally invasive procedure typically utilizes nearly 50 acuneedles placed throughout the face that work together put the facial skin into “repair mode" this, “increasing circulation and oxygen supply to the skin. The technique, inspired from traditional acupuncture, encourages production of newer, stronger collagen and elastin fibres resulting in improved firmness, elasticity, reduced fine lines and a healthier complexion and texture overall. This micro-wound healing response, unlike Botox, can influence the longterm health of the skin, working on more than just the superficial signs of aging.”

So in a sense, it’s better than Botox, a least, in our opinion, because facial acupuncture works harder and has longer-lasting benefits without the injection of chemicals into the body.

If you’re interested in pursuing cosmetic acupuncture to help achieve your beauty and wellness goals, please contact us for a free consultation. We’d love to help you along your journey and to assist in achieving your goals.

How Acupuncture Can Improve Your Sex Drive

Having a low sex drive can be a difficult thing to deal with. It can affect not only individuals but those who they are in relationships with, too. And because it can often be misconstrued or feel embarrassing, many opt to not share their difficulties with low libido and rather keep their struggle to themselves.

Low sex drive is actually a lot more common that we’d like to believe. About 1 in 3 women between the age of 30 and 70 say they have low sexual desire, and men can also be similarly affected, particularly as they age.

One might not think of low sex drive as a condition or a disorder, or anything that can be “cured”. That is partially true—there may be no one thing that acts as a cure. But acupuncture can definitely help.

Knowing what we know about acupuncture and its efficacy at regulating and balancing certain imbalances in the body, and what contributes to low sex drive, we can determine how acupuncture can help those who are looking for a way to increase their sex drive.

One of the key causes of low sex drive is stress. Stress and libido have an inverse relationship; as stress increases, libido decreases. Depression, fatigue, anxiety and more can all cause high levels of stress, with knock-on effects that can be a detriment to one’s sex drive. The good thing is that acupuncture is one of the most efficient, natural remedies for reducing both mental and physical stress.

In addition, low sex drive can also be a result of hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture is also an effective treatment for re-balancing hormones, in particular, estrogen, progesterone and estradiol, which can all contribute to throwing a woman’s sex drive out of whack. And to show that, again, this isn’t solely a women’s issue, research shows that acupuncture can be an affective and holistic treatment for men'‘s libido issues, too.

Feeling like you have a low sex drive isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. And there are avenues for help that are safe, holistic and effective. Acupuncture is one of them, so don’t hesitate to try it if you think it can help.

Sniffle Season? Let Acupuncture Boost Your Immune System

In many parts of the country, November marks the season where temperatures really start to change, when the winter coats and hats and gloves get dusted off and put to use. But bundling up alone won’t shield you from catching the runny noses, sore throats, and sniffles that so many fo us deal with over the cold weather months. While getting enough rest and eating properly can help keep you well, there’s one natural way to boost your immune system so that it’s at peak performance at the right time of year: acupuncture.

Our body’s ability to fight infections and viruses is a result of many different parts of the body that work together. When any of those parts of the body are not operating at their peak, the immune system is weakened. One of the most important parts of the immune system is the spleen. Located near the stomach, the spleen holds many responsibilities, but from an immune system, standpoint, the spleen filters our blood, recycling old red blood cells and and storing platelets and white blood cells which are both responsible for fighting off infections, bacteria, and viruses. Acupuncture regulates our body’s internal system and important organs like the spleen—instead of relying on medications, acupuncture allows the body to perform its functions at close to their peak efficiency and effectiveness.

A study also found that targeted acupuncture is effective at cytokines and helper T cells. Cytokines are proteins that are secreted by cells that help cells interact and communicate with others, and helper T cells are active in the body’s fight against microbes.

Making acupuncture part of your usual Wellness routine is a great idea in general, but especially during this time of the year when many of us fall prey to runny noses, sore throats and the common cold. Help boost your immune system today by coming in for a visit!

Eat Too Many Sweets For Halloween? Let Acupuncture Get You Back on Track

Happy Halloween!

It’s time for jack-o-lanterns and elaborate costumes, bobbing for apples and scary stories…and, of course, trick-or-treating, and all the candy that comes with it.

It’s okay to indulge in sweets from time to time, particularly around a holiday like Halloween where it can seem like there’s a communal bucket of chocolate bars everywhere you go—home, stores, the office. And trust us, we know that once you start, it can be hard to stop.

While a few days of eating some sweets isn’t cause for concern, we know that often times just a few days off the wagon can cause us to feel sluggish, mired down and bloated. That’s because eating too much sugar causes some pretty not-so-deal results inside our bodies. According to Healthline, studies show that diets high in added sugar lead to obesity, insulin resistance, increased gut permeability and low-grade inflammation. And it’s particularly those last parts that tell us that acupuncture can help if you’re feeling fatigued and bloated because of a few too many days snacking on the sweets.

As we previously documented when talking about acupuncture’s ability to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis, acupuncture is unique suited as a natural and safe way to treat and ultimately reduce inflammation. Through opening up the body’s energy pathways, acupuncture naturally regulates the body’s functions, including what happens in the gut. When we intake too much sugar, extra bacteria and toxins more easily move out of the gut and into the bloodstream, which causes inflammation throughout the body. That can result in fatigue, headaches, and other discomfort throughout the body. Targeted acupuncture can help reduce gut permeability, ensuring that those toxins stay put and don’t inflame the rest of the body. And the good thing is that when our body doesn’t have much sugar in it, it’s less likely to crave it anymore.

So this Halloween, it’s ok to (smartly!) enjoy some sweets. If you overdo it and start feeling the effects, or if you think you’re feeling off because your diet includes too many sweets in general, think about how acupuncture can help you get back on track.

Whiplash Is a Common Injury from Car Accidents, Here's How Acupuncture Can Help

Unfortunately, automobile accidents are all too common in our society. And the most common injury from auto accidents is whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head is jerked forward and/or backward abruptly. It often doesn’t take much; whiplash can occur even in fender benders or thankfully minor accidents. And oftentimes, folks think that they’re okay, only to start experiencing symptoms a day or two after the accident. Of those symptoms? Headaches, dizziness, pain in the neck, numbness in the arms or the hands, difficulty concentrating or remembering, and difficult sleeping and overall fatigue.

There isn’t much that western medicine can do to treat whiplash. Most often doctors will tell a patient to take non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen, and otherwise urge patience to wait it out until the symptoms go away. That’s not a very reassuring plan, particularly when symptoms of whiplash can be severe.

Whiplash is an injury primarily to the spine and neck, which makes it a great candidate for treatment via acupuncture. A traumatic injury like whiplash ultimately results in the blockage of meridians and the stagnation of the body’s naturally healing energy, qi. Acupuncture is able to holistically regulate the body’s energy by opening up the meridians and getting the qi to flow again, particularly to the spine and neck area that are affected by whiplash. That results in a natural anti-inflammation process that helps reduce pain and swelling, as well as the knock-on effects of whiplash that affect other parts of the body.

If seeking acupuncture treatment for whiplash, it’s important to note how long ago the traumatic event was from the beginning of the treatment. Ideally, seeking treatment as soon after the event is helpful—with many injuries like whiplash, the earlier the treatment can begin the better, since this can help keep swelling to a minimum. If the injury occurred a while ago, you can and should still seek acupuncture treatment—the only difference is that the acupuncturist will likely target different meridians, as well as additional parts of the body that have been affected in the meantime.

Ideally, we would never have to treat anyone for whiplash. But accidents happen. Thankfully, we are here to help in case they do.

How Acupuncture Can Help Relieve Tendonitis

Acupuncture is one of the most well known and well studied natural remedies for pain relief — including for pain related to tendonitis.

Known as more of an umbrella term for pain radiating from tendons without any other verifiable diagnosis, tendonitis can be extremely painful; limiting mobility and quality of life. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and redness, and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tendonitis causes more than 70,000 people to miss work per year.

It’s also starting to manifest in new ways, and for different reasons than before. We are all using our hands more than ever before — but not in the most natural ways. Texting and typing are leading to more and more cases of tendonitis, as a hand and orthopedic surgeon explained, she has been seeing a rise in patients with tendonitis, especially in the wrist and fingers. She attributes a lot of this to tablet and smartphone habits.

Luckily, we can help.

Pain is the result of blocked or imbalanced qi along your inner meridians, which acupuncture can help to restore. By renewing the blood supply around the injured area and restoring the proper flow of energy, acupuncture also will trigger the release of pain-reducing endorphins, so swelling and pain will be reduced as mobility is increased.

A trained and licensed acupuncturist can help you to find relief.

Depending on the area of concern (the wrist and elbow are most common) acuneedles will be inserted in targeted acupuoints as you sit back and relax, enjoying the warming sensation of an infrared heating app as the work begins to set in. You may experience relief in just one session, though consecutive appointments are necessary in the beginning for maximum benefits.

We look forward to serving you along your journey to better health.

Why Acupuncture Is The Best Bet To Beat Tendonitis

Tendonitis is one of the most common injuries affecting both athletes as well as everyday people. Anyone who uses a particular part of the body over and over is susceptible to tendonitis. Repetitive motion causes strain on the tendon—the fibrous tissue that connects our muscles to our bone—which eventually leads to inflammation and in many cases, degeneration of the actual fibers themselves. That’s why the name “Tennis Elbow” has been coined for elbow tendonitis…you can imagine the amount of strain put on a tennis player’s elbow, hitting shot after shot after shot in largely the same motion.

For many, the answer for tendonitis seems to lie in cortisone injections. But these injections bring with them a host of potential side effects, including extra pain and swelling, infection, allergic reactions and in rare cases, even nerve damage. For many, a cortisone shot can temporarily relieve pain—allowing that person to return to work or to the field or court for the time being. But there is no healing being done to the root cause, and more often than not, pain and discomfort will rear its ugly head once again.

That is, unless you seek out acupuncture.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been shown to be an effective remedy for healing the pain caused by tendonitis, and also by doing just a bit more. That’s because acupuncture doesn’t just reduce inflammation; in the case of tendonitis, it helps repair the damaged fibers that cause the inflammation and pain in the first place.

As Mark Kastner, LAc writes, “The concept of acupuncture moving the qi and Blood to assist in healing is also not without merit as numerous studies have shown acupuncture does increase vasodilatation around inserted needles, along with the anti-inflammatory molecule adenosine.” This helps regenerate the damaged fibers, replacing them with healthy ones that don’t result in pain when the tendon is being used.

Tendonitis is very common, but you don’t have to make a cortisone shot a regular part of your life. Instead, let acupuncture do the healing for you the natural and holistic way.

Why Acupuncture Should Be Part of Your Wellness Routine

We concentrate here a lot on the many specific healing benefits of acupuncture. To everything from common ailments like allergies or dry skin to more unique and specific ailments like Ankylosing Spondylitis, there is an incredibly wide range of reasons to seek out acupuncture treatment.

But you don’t necessarily have to have something “wrong” to think that acupuncture treatment can benefit you.

In fact, for many people, regularly receiving acupuncture treatment is just a part of their wellness routine, alongside mindfulness and meditation, yoga, exercise, and other types of emotional or physical therapy.

When something specific is ailing the body, acupuncture works to help the body naturally heal itself by opening up the pathways in our body to allow energy to flow freely and reduce pain, inflammation and other causes of discomfort. With that being said, the body is always working, always under some sort of duress along with our minds and emotions. Our day to day lives are filled with the ups and downs of life, and the burden of that rollercoaster is placed on the body.

Consistent acupuncture acts as a stress reducer, keeping the body’s qi regulated and operating at its peak to keep us feeling energized, free and at ease. This helps particularly as the rigors of everyday life—whether it be at work, school, or taking care of a family—unpredictably take their toll. Without a consistent wellness routine, of which acupuncture can be a part of, the impact of stress becomes more acute. An effective wellness routine doesn’t eliminate those things from happening (nothing can!) but it helps our minds and bodies respond in the best possible way so that we can mentally and physically compartmentalize and stay present. Acupuncture helps us recover faster, whether that’s from a medial ailment or from a frustrating day at the office.

And when something does pop up that needs more targeted care, you’ll already have your acupuncture appointment on the books. Just let your acupuncturist know what’s up, and they’ll adjust the treatment accordingly.

So when you’re planning out your wellness calendar, don’t forget to find time for a regular visit to the acupuncturist!

Acupuncture for Alcoholism? It Works for Rats!

Adding to the long list of ailments and disorders acupuncture helps to treat? Alcoholism.

Well, at least in rats it does — which is at the very least, a bit promising for humans, too.

A recent article in Gizmodo reports, that in both the United States and Korea, researchers forced rats to be addicted to alcohol and then tried to help with their withdrawal symptoms by utilizing traditional acupuncture. The result? A success.

While this doesn’t mean acupuncture can cure alcoholism in humans, even knowing it helped with withdrawal is positive.

Published this past Wednesday in Science Advances, a control group of rats were not addicted to alcohol while the experimental group were trained to use a lever that fed them water mixed with alcohol. In 16 days, they were hooked. On Day 17, they were not given alcohol for two hours and began to experience typical withdrawal symptoms including tremors and anxiety.

Acupuncture treatment was given at the Shen Men or Heart 7 point, located on the wrist.

The authors of the study, “found that the alcohol-dependent rats given acupuncture at HT7 were less likely to experience withdrawal symptoms than those not given it; they also fed themselves less alcohol when they later had the opportunity to do so.”

Furthermore, based on research conducted separately form this experiment, the same researchers also theorized that, “HT7 could treat alcohol dependence by affecting neurons in the brain that produce beta endorphins, a natural opioid and “feel-good” chemical. Beta endorphins likely play an important role in alcohol dependence.”

Interestingly, the rats who received acupuncture at the HT7 point, “seemed to have their levels of beta endorphins rebound during withdrawal, specifically because of neurons activated in the hypothalamus, a region linked to alcohol dependence. “

The conclusion?

“These results suggest that acupuncture may provide a novel, potential treatment strategy for alcohol use disorder by direct activation of the brain pathway,” the authors wrote.

While there is a lot more work and research to be done, this is a promising finding and we hope research continues to be supported to find out how else acupuncture can help.