What is Cryo Slimming?

By now you may have heard of cryo therapy, aka using extremely cold temperatures to promote healing and wellness.

Cryo Slimming

But what about cryo slimming?

We are proud to now offer cryo slimming into our family of wellness tools, and here is how it can help you.

Contrary to other machines and facilities, our approach to cryo slimming is different and works without chemicals or high-intensity ultrasounds. We use only thermal shock, which works to preserve the surrounding non-fat tissue, resulting in a much more dramatic slimming effect.

The device we use is incredibly safe (or else we wouldn’t use it!) and each session lasts about 30 minutes while the therapy alternates between heat, a long period of cold, and then heat again. This is all done manually by our highly trained technician and feels great, similar to a firm massage.

Results will vary a bit from client to client, but both . scientific research and clinical trials have proven that cryo therapy reduces fat cells. Fat cells are destroyed during the treatment, and most are then eliminated from the body within 2-3 weeks.

We typically will provide treatment once every two weeks, as we are careful to allow enough time for thorough elimination and your metabolism to send the fat cells out.

Depending on your diet and lifestyle, results can be quite long-lasting, even years!

Though, for facial or a cellulite specific treatment, we recommend treatment once a month and can even schedule all your desired sessions in advance to streamline things a bit and ensure consistency.

Our approach to cryo slimming targets deep layers of the skin, and can be used as an anti-aging treatment too as it revamps and stimulates collagen production while leaving the face looking and feeling firm, plump, youthful and rejuvenated. We can even target specific wrinkles or blemishes for a more precise application, and clients will typically see and feel results right away, with the best results achieved after 4-8 sessions.

If you’re interested in giving our latest treatment offering a try, don’t wait! Contact us for a free consultation today!

The Benefits of Massage When Paired with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is excellent on its own, but it's even better when combined with a massage!

We're excited to announce that as of this week, all new clients will receive a free, 30-minute massage on us.

Massage Benefits

When combined, acupuncture and massage are effective at restoring circulation, pain management, promoting relaxation, providing an improved range of motion, and more!

As outlined by the American Institute of Alternative Medicine, “Acupuncture and massage therapy have been shown to provide effective forms of stress relief. This can help improve emotional and mental well-being and ease symptoms associated with specific mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression.”

Of course, the therapies are successful on their own. But when they are combined, their efficacy has been shown to increase even more.

The AIAM explains, “Acupuncture and massage relieve stress by restoring a healthy flow of energy, or qi, throughout the body. Acupuncture does so through the use of needles placed in specific parts of the body, while massage therapy targets certain muscles and other parts of the body in order to relieve tension.”

Plus, who couldn't use a calming, therapeutic, massage right now?

To book your first appointment and free 30-minute massage,  click here, or call us at (201) 668-0343.

Eat Too Many Sweets For Halloween? Let Acupuncture Get You Back on Track

Happy Halloween!

It’s time for jack-o-lanterns and elaborate costumes, bobbing for apples and scary stories…and, of course, trick-or-treating, and all the candy that comes with it.

It’s okay to indulge in sweets from time to time, particularly around a holiday like Halloween where it can seem like there’s a communal bucket of chocolate bars everywhere you go—home, stores, the office. And trust us, we know that once you start, it can be hard to stop.

While a few days of eating some sweets isn’t cause for concern, we know that often times just a few days off the wagon can cause us to feel sluggish, mired down and bloated. That’s because eating too much sugar causes some pretty not-so-deal results inside our bodies. According to Healthline, studies show that diets high in added sugar lead to obesity, insulin resistance, increased gut permeability and low-grade inflammation. And it’s particularly those last parts that tell us that acupuncture can help if you’re feeling fatigued and bloated because of a few too many days snacking on the sweets.

As we previously documented when talking about acupuncture’s ability to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis, acupuncture is unique suited as a natural and safe way to treat and ultimately reduce inflammation. Through opening up the body’s energy pathways, acupuncture naturally regulates the body’s functions, including what happens in the gut. When we intake too much sugar, extra bacteria and toxins more easily move out of the gut and into the bloodstream, which causes inflammation throughout the body. That can result in fatigue, headaches, and other discomfort throughout the body. Targeted acupuncture can help reduce gut permeability, ensuring that those toxins stay put and don’t inflame the rest of the body. And the good thing is that when our body doesn’t have much sugar in it, it’s less likely to crave it anymore.

So this Halloween, it’s ok to (smartly!) enjoy some sweets. If you overdo it and start feeling the effects, or if you think you’re feeling off because your diet includes too many sweets in general, think about how acupuncture can help you get back on track.

Give Shoulder Pain the Cold Shoulder With Acupuncture

The shoulder is a fascinating, complicated an important area of the body. It has an incredible range of motion and thus allows our arms to movie in many different ways and accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Everything from everyday chores to incredible athletic feats like pitching (Happy Baseball Playoffs!) and hitting a tennis ball are possible because of the little ball and joint located at the tops of our arms.

The problem with the shoulder? Because it’s so amazing and allows us to do so many different things, it is unfortunately prone to many different types of injuries and discomfort. Previously, we covered the condition known as Frozen Shoulder, and how acupuncture can help with the, well, unfreezing return the shoulder to full range of motion without pain. But there are a number of other shoulder conditions, major and minor, that acupuncture can also help with, including bursitis, rotator cuff injuries, arthritis, tendonitis, labrum injuries, and more.

It depends on the specific ailment, so it’s important to see a specialist to determine exactly what type of shoulder issue you are experiencing. However, acupuncture will be able to help in many ways, regardless of the condition, by doing a number of things. First, acupuncture helps regulate the energy in the body, clearing up blockages in the meridians that are helping cause the pain and discomfort at the point of injury. Acupuncture also increases blood flow which acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, a holistic and safe alternative to cortisone shots and prescription painkillers and other medication. And finally, acupuncture, particularly electroacupuncture, can actually help speed up the healing and repair of damaged tissues and muscles.

Whether you’re a professional baseball player or just hoping to do household chores like the laundry and grocery shopping without pain, your shoulders are of utmost importance. If you ever have an issue with them, acupuncture is here to help!

Whiplash Is a Common Injury from Car Accidents, Here's How Acupuncture Can Help

Unfortunately, automobile accidents are all too common in our society. And the most common injury from auto accidents is whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head is jerked forward and/or backward abruptly. It often doesn’t take much; whiplash can occur even in fender benders or thankfully minor accidents. And oftentimes, folks think that they’re okay, only to start experiencing symptoms a day or two after the accident. Of those symptoms? Headaches, dizziness, pain in the neck, numbness in the arms or the hands, difficulty concentrating or remembering, and difficult sleeping and overall fatigue.

There isn’t much that western medicine can do to treat whiplash. Most often doctors will tell a patient to take non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen, and otherwise urge patience to wait it out until the symptoms go away. That’s not a very reassuring plan, particularly when symptoms of whiplash can be severe.

Whiplash is an injury primarily to the spine and neck, which makes it a great candidate for treatment via acupuncture. A traumatic injury like whiplash ultimately results in the blockage of meridians and the stagnation of the body’s naturally healing energy, qi. Acupuncture is able to holistically regulate the body’s energy by opening up the meridians and getting the qi to flow again, particularly to the spine and neck area that are affected by whiplash. That results in a natural anti-inflammation process that helps reduce pain and swelling, as well as the knock-on effects of whiplash that affect other parts of the body.

If seeking acupuncture treatment for whiplash, it’s important to note how long ago the traumatic event was from the beginning of the treatment. Ideally, seeking treatment as soon after the event is helpful—with many injuries like whiplash, the earlier the treatment can begin the better, since this can help keep swelling to a minimum. If the injury occurred a while ago, you can and should still seek acupuncture treatment—the only difference is that the acupuncturist will likely target different meridians, as well as additional parts of the body that have been affected in the meantime.

Ideally, we would never have to treat anyone for whiplash. But accidents happen. Thankfully, we are here to help in case they do.