Overindulge Over the Holiday Season? We're Here to Help.

Holidays are filled with fun, family, and food. If you’re now finding yourself feeling a bit bloated, exhausted, sluggish, or are even seeing the scale creep up a bit higher than usual, you’re not alone. We can help.

If you’re looking to lose a few unwanted inches or pounds, try our unique trademarked treatment, AcuSculpt. Combining acupuncture and massage, it can help you get back to your pre-holiday bod in no time.

A natural, alternative therapy to help in your weight loss efforts, the system was designed by NJ Acupuncture Center’s owner and main acupuncturist Ani Baran L.AC, AcuSculptÔ It’s scientifically targeted and aims to slim and tone using acupuncture immediately followed by a firm pressured massage.

First, acupuncture needles are strategically placed first within predetermined weight meridians as they work to stabilize qi, facilitate energy flow, and reduce leptin. Next, electro-acupuncture is used, as micrucurrent stimulation is sent between pairs of needles which targets the releasing of accumulated or difficult to target qui.

Next, it's time for the massage.  Instead of a traditional massage, a firm and stimulating massage is performed and helps to release retained gas, fluid and bloat in the abdomen area and the thighs.

When performed over time, it AcuSculpt will stimulate metabolism, regulate your bowels and help fight against fluid retention, bloating and gas.  Of course, it’s not a quick-fix, and should be used consistently while being supplemented by a moderate and healthful diet.

You’ll be weight at the beginning of the treatment cycle, as your progress and weight loss will be monitored.

SO if you’ve found that you’ve had one (or ten) too many Christmas cookies or cocktails and are feeling more like Santa and less like Vixen, have no fear. AcuSculpt is here.

Acupuncture for Indigestion

Just yesterday, the New York Times ran a feature on the power of acupuncture in aiding symptoms of digestive distress.

A newly published study out of China showed promising results of the impact acupuncture can have on something called postprandial distress syndrome, or P.D.S.

PDS is known as a type of chronic, ongoing indigestion with symptoms including an unpleasant sense of fullness after eating that can also be accompanied by pain and burning in the throat and stomach.

The New York Times expalins, “he study, in the Annals of Internal Medicine randomized 228 otherwise healthy patients with P.D.S. to receive either acupuncture three times a week for four weeks, or a sham treatment that looked similar but did not involve the accurate placement and manipulation of needles. All the participants completed questionnaires about their symptoms — fullness, bloating, pain, burning, and so on — before and after the treatments.”

Acupuncture for Indigestion

The end result?

Of the group that received true acupuncture, 83% showed some benefits from the treatment, as opposed to 52 percent within the control group. Of the group that got actual treatment, 28% “ achieved complete elimination of post-meal fullness, bloating and early satiation, compared with 17 percent of those who received the placebo treatment.”

This study seems to further prove what we have already known (and seen firsthand) — that acupuncture can work wonders for many ailments, including uncomfortable digestion symptoms.

If you are suffering from gastrointestinal distress and would like to try acupuncture for some relief, please call our office to schedule a consultation and initial appointment!

Acupuncture for Weight Loss? Six Ways it Can Help

Falling a little short on that New Years Resolution to lose weight?

Or, are you realizing that summer is fast approaching (woohoo!) and you’re looking to shed a few more pounds?

Let acupuncture help.

There are a myriad of ways that acupuncture can assist you towards reaching your weight loss goals, and just last week, US News and World Report covered six of them.

Here’s how.

  • Acupuncture may affect your hormones.

    • “"The researchers concluded that acupuncture may help people with pre-diabetes lose weight by reducing their insulin and leptin resistance; both insulin and leptin are appetite-regulating hormones that can play a role in long-term weight-loss.”

  • Acupuncture promotes healthy digestion.

    • By restoring qi, acupuncture can provide improved blood flow to your stomach, hereby improving digestion.

  • Acupuncture can relieve stress.

    • Acupuncture can help to release endorphins, which are stress reducing. The article explains, "no matter how you choose to manage stress, though, doing so effectively is critical for weight loss and maintenance.”

  • Acupuncture may reduce cravings.

    • Reducing your cravings leads to healthier food choices, and weight loss will typically follow. The article quotes family physician Dr. Wayne Jonas as saying, “We know that food addictions can lead to weight gain…Acupuncture might alter brain chemicals associated with these addictions and, in this way, help with weight loss.”

  • Acupuncture can lead to better sleep.

    • By lowering stress levels and promoting relaxation, acupuncture helps restore sleep. Sleep is essential to weight loss for many reasons, including the need for proper rest to facilitate digestion.

  • Acupuncture can boost your energy.

    • “For relatively healthy folks just trying to drop a few pounds, though, an acupuncture-related energy boost can support diet and exercise behaviors that may lead to weight loss.” More engery AND weight loss? Sign us up!

8 Reasons Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Try Acupuncture

The holidays are in full swing and the end of the year is almost upon us. Which means it’s the perfect time to try acupuncture! Here are 10 reasons why:

  1. If acupuncture is covered under your insurance, and there’s a chance you’ve hit your out-of-pocket maximum at this point, why not try and sneak in your first acupuncture appointment before the calendar turns over? This is the perfect time of year to experience first hand the holistic healing benefits of acupuncture.

  2. The holidays means gifts, family…and lots of food. Did you overeat (and over drink!) a bit this season? Acupuncture is known to promote and aid in healthy weight loss.

  3. This time of year also brings about lots of traveling, which can be tiring, stressful, and take us off of our routines, often messing with our sleep. Thankfully, acupuncture is one of the best and most natural ways to help out with sleeplessness as well as the side effects that come with an interrupted sleep schedule.

  4. If you had the luxury of decorating or playing Santa this year—lugging gifts up and down stairs and in and out of cars, carrying heavy shopping bags, putting together your children’s favorite new toys—you may be experiencing some aches and pains. Acupuncture is clinically proven to help back pain and other orthopedic issues.

  5. New Year’s resolutions don’t have to begin in the new year. Why not get a jumpstart on your wellness resolution now? The more and more you put it off, the less likely you are to truly follow through. Get next year off on the right foot right away!

  6. Relatedly, acupuncture has preventative benefits as well. If you’re planning on working out more in the new year, beginning acupuncture now can help prevent much of the soreness that comes with working out and help you recover quickly so you can get back out there as soon as possible.

  7. Shopping, family, traveling…all of these put together can stress you out big time. Acupuncture is thankfully here to help, as one of the best ways you can naturally de-stress and relax your body and mind.

  8. Spending the holidays with family and friends is wonderful, but it can be a bit overwhelming at times to find yourself without any me-time. Acupuncture is a great way to reconnect with your body, mind and soul.

Losing Weight One Of Your Resolutions? Add Acu To Your Plan

Thanksgiving is upon us, and that means the Holiday Season has officially begun. It’s a time for family, friends, parties and plenty of eating. It’s no wonder that the number one New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight.

Before you head out to the sure-to-be-packed gym on January 2nd, it’s important to know that eating well and exercise aren’t the only things you should do when hoping to shed off some extra pounds. Those are both paramount, but sometimes our getting in shape process need an extra boost.

It just so happens that acupuncture is a safe, effective supplement to eating well and exercising when it comes to losing weight. In fact, a study in China has recently shown that those who receive acupuncture treatment for weight loss in addition to a healthy eating and workout-led plan. Conducted by the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University, the study determined that acupuncture enhances weight loss efforts. Acupuncture “reduces body fat and adiposity, decreases serum triglycerides and total cholesterol, reduces harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and raises beneficial high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels.” The study was broken into two groups, with one receiving acupuncture on top of a dietary plan and the other just receiving the dietary plan. The acupuncture group received warm needle acupuncture in 7 distinct acupuncture points. While both groups saw decreases in BMI, body fat and cholesterol, the acupuncture group saw a more significant decrease.

The acupoints are chosen carefully and help open up energy pathways associated with areas of the body that contribute to weight gain. Specifically, these points address the endocrine system and kidneys, which are related to retention and nerve and hormonal rebalance. In addition, the spleen and thyroid gland are also targeted, which will help the body rebalance sugar and hormones, leading to more efficient and rapid weight loss.

Always consult with your doctor to map out a safe exercise and diet plan. But once you do, make an appointment with us to kickstart your weight loss journey!

Can Acupunture Help You Lose Weight?

It's seemingly impossible these days to scroll through social media, turn on the television, or listen to the radio without being exposed to at least one advertisement regarding the latest fad, supplement or workout that is "guaranteed" to help you lose weight.


Amongst a society that appears to be hyper-focused on health, body image and even vanity - it's important to navigate advertisements and promises with some insight into exactly what weight-loss should look and feel like, and that's health. A healthful diet and exercise are always the best way to try to achieve a healthy weight.

But, can acupuncture help?  In short, maybe. 

Psychology Today recently explored the possibility, specifically noting how ear acupuncture points can help control appetite which can then, in turn, theoretically result in weight loss. It cited a 2017 study where they examined, "18 randomized controlled studies of ear acupuncture for weight loss, though not big ones—the largest had 200 subjects. Most of the volunteers were middle-aged Asian women.  All in all, this review concluded that ear acupuncture was linked to an average loss of about 3 lbs.  Treatments that went on longer than six weeks had the best results."

Promising, right? 

It also cited research linked to the microbiome, which is the bacteria in your guts, and explained how one study actually found acupuncture can reduce them. The results? 

"Forty-five overweight or obese women in Shanghai were randomly split into three groups, including a control group that got no treatment. The other two groups received 20 acupuncture treatments focused on the abdomen for a half-hour, every other day. The points were the same for both groups, but executed by different doctors. The results: In the 30 women who received acupuncture, the average BMI dropped from close to 28 at the beginning to a bit over 25, while the control group didn’t change much."

Again, supportive that acupuncture can help with weight-loss.

If you're looking for holistic treatments to help aid you in your weight-loss journey, come in for an acupuncture consultation, and ask about our trademarked service, AcuScuplt.

Overindulge Over the Holidays? We’re Here to Help

Holidays are filled with fun, family, and food. If you’re now finding yourself feeling a bit bloated, exhausted, sluggish, or are even seeing the scale creep up a bit higher than usual, you’re not alone. We can help.

If you’re looking to lose a few unwanted inches or pounds, try our unique trademarked treatment, AcuSculptÔ. Combining acupuncture and massage, it can help you get back to your pre-holiday bod in no time.

A natural, alternative therapy to help in your weight loss efforts, the system was designed by NJ Acupuncture Center’s owner and main acupuncturist Ani Baran L.AC, AcuSculptÔ It’s scientifically targeted and aims to slim and tone using acupuncture immediately followed by a firm pressured massage.

First, acupuncture needles are strategically placed first within predetermined weightloss meridians as they work to stabilize qi, facilitate energy flow, and reduce leptin. Next, electro-acupuncture is used, as micrucurrent stimulation is sent between pairs of needles which targets releasing of accumulated or difficult to target qui.

Next, it's time for the massage.  Instead of a traditional massage, a firm and stimulating massage is performed and helps to release retained gas, fluid and bloat in the abdomen area and the thighs.

When performed over time, it AcuSculptÔ will stimulate metabolism, regulate your bowels and help fight against fluid retention, bloating and gas.  Of course, it’s not a quick-fix, and should be used consistently while being supplemented by a moderate and healthful diet.

You’ll be weight at the beginning of the treatment cycle, as your progress and weight loss will be monitored.

SO if you’ve found that you’ve had one (or ten) too many Christmas cookies or cocktails and are feeling more like Santa and less like Vixen, have no fear. AcuSculptÔ is here.


Top 10 Tips for First Time Patients

Trying anything new for the first time can be overwhelming and even a little scary. Pair that with the concept of essentially having a stranger stick “needles” in your body, and it can be downright terrifying – but it doesn’t have to be, nor should it be.

At NJ Acupuncture Center, we fully understand that first time patients may be a bit apprehensive. SO, we put together this handy little guide of the top 10 tips for first time acupuncture patients. You can thank us later.


1.     Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.

Depending on your needs, you can receive acupuncture treatment from head to toe. Therefore, it is essential to wear loose fitting clothing that is both comfortable, but can also be rolled or pulled up for access to all necessary meridians.

2.     Turn off your cell phone.

Unplug! This is “you” time. To best relax, turn off your phone – don’t put it on vibrate. (You’ll still hear it!)

3.     Be open and honest.

Share any medical experiences and concerns with your acupuncturist. Any emotions you’re struggling with or past experiences can only help you to receive the best treatment.

4.     Write down a list of questions, comments or concerns.

Acupuncture will work best when both you and your practitioner and you are on the same page. If you have any questions, comments or concerns -  as well as treatment goals – write them down so you don’t forget anything during your consult!

5.     Be mindful of scheduling.

It is ideal to schedule your appointment at a time that you can then relax afterwards. Though, if you can only squeeze in lunch-break appointments, any time slot is better than none. 

6.     Eat something light.

You don’t want to be super full, or super starving for your session. Ensure that you’ve eaten something light and healthy prior to your time.

7.     Show up early.

For your first appointment, there will be intake paperwork. Show up at least 10-15 minutes early to ensure you have ample time to thoughtfully and accurately complete any paperwork that is needed.

8.     Avoid caffeine.

You’ll want to be able to lay still and relaxed during your time here. So, chugging a large iced coffee prior to coming isn’t the best idea. (Really, it’s not a good idea at any time, but more on that later.)

9.     Breathe

It’s a human reaction that at times when you’re nervous or anxious, you hold your breath. Remember that breath is your life force! Breathe regularly and consistently. Focusing on your breath can help to deepen your relaxation.

10. Relax and enjoy!