Acupuncture = Less Opioid Prescriptions?

The opioid epidemic our country is currently facing takes the lives of 130 Americans each and every day.


In 2017, overdose death counts were six times higher than those of 1999. And since then, more than 700,000 people have died due to overdosing on the potent prescription pills.


Unfortunately, often the people we trust the most — our physicians, can put people’s lives at risk by over prescribing these pills as a means of pain management. But, acupuncture can help.




The American Academy of Family Physicians reports that recent results from a survey of Uniformed Services AFP members revealed that, ”family physicians who received training in acupuncture prescribed fewer opioids for patients, especially ‘strong’ opioids such as oxycodone and hydrocodone.”



As part of the survey, doctors were asked questions investigating their prescribing habits when it comes to opioids including the frequency they use nontraditional therapies, “such as nutrition, acupuncture and massage.”  

They were asked to estimate the number of patients they had written a prescription for “weak” and “strong” opioids for chronic, noncancer  pain.

The difference lied in the those that prescribed strong opioids — like morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl.


“More than 5 percent of family physicians with no training in acupuncture reported that on average, they wrote prescriptions for strong opioids for 11 or more chronic noncancer pain patients each month.” But of those family physicians who are trained in auricular acupuncture, only two percent wrote that many.  


The bottom line?


Though not a scientific study, it’s promising to know that those doctors who are familiar with the power of acupuncture are writing less prescriptions for such dangerous drugs.


Being aware of nontraditional therapies is important for all who are seeking pain relief, as these types of pills should be considered a last resort in most cases.




8 Reasons Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Try Acupuncture

The holidays are in full swing and the end of the year is almost upon us. Which means it’s the perfect time to try acupuncture! Here are 10 reasons why:

  1. If acupuncture is covered under your insurance, and there’s a chance you’ve hit your out-of-pocket maximum at this point, why not try and sneak in your first acupuncture appointment before the calendar turns over? This is the perfect time of year to experience first hand the holistic healing benefits of acupuncture.

  2. The holidays means gifts, family…and lots of food. Did you overeat (and over drink!) a bit this season? Acupuncture is known to promote and aid in healthy weight loss.

  3. This time of year also brings about lots of traveling, which can be tiring, stressful, and take us off of our routines, often messing with our sleep. Thankfully, acupuncture is one of the best and most natural ways to help out with sleeplessness as well as the side effects that come with an interrupted sleep schedule.

  4. If you had the luxury of decorating or playing Santa this year—lugging gifts up and down stairs and in and out of cars, carrying heavy shopping bags, putting together your children’s favorite new toys—you may be experiencing some aches and pains. Acupuncture is clinically proven to help back pain and other orthopedic issues.

  5. New Year’s resolutions don’t have to begin in the new year. Why not get a jumpstart on your wellness resolution now? The more and more you put it off, the less likely you are to truly follow through. Get next year off on the right foot right away!

  6. Relatedly, acupuncture has preventative benefits as well. If you’re planning on working out more in the new year, beginning acupuncture now can help prevent much of the soreness that comes with working out and help you recover quickly so you can get back out there as soon as possible.

  7. Shopping, family, traveling…all of these put together can stress you out big time. Acupuncture is thankfully here to help, as one of the best ways you can naturally de-stress and relax your body and mind.

  8. Spending the holidays with family and friends is wonderful, but it can be a bit overwhelming at times to find yourself without any me-time. Acupuncture is a great way to reconnect with your body, mind and soul.

Acupuncture Found to be Safest Option for Treating Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthitis is the most common form of arthritis, and it can occur and create damage at any joint in our bodies. What happens is the cartilage in our joints that separates bones from one another gradually deteriorates. In the early stages, the cartilage becomes rough, which causes pain and stiffness in joints. But if untreated, eventually the cartilage can be removed completely, causing bones to run right up against each other.


This condition occurs most commonly in our major joints, like our hands and knees, and especially our hips. Hip Osteoarthritis affects anywhere from 3 to 11% of the population in Western countries, which means millions of people suffer from this nasty degeneration. Since there is no cure for osteoarthritis, there are a number of ways doctors generally treat the condition. Physical therapy is popular, and surgery could be performed in the worst cases, but in the meantime the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs is often prescribed to deal with the pain.


Thankfully, studies are beginning to be performed to show what acupuncturists have known for decades—that among all the treatments available for those suffering from a condition like hip osteoarthritis, acupuncture isn’t just on par or superior, but it’s by far the safest, with the fewest potential negative side effects.


Researchers in the US and China went back and looked at studies done historically on how to treat osteoarthritis and judged the combined findings. In all the studies, none of the subjects reported any adverse side effects.


As for acupuncture’s ability to heal those who are suffering, the strongest of the studies that were reviewed found  “that acupuncture plus routine physician care was more effective than routine care alone at decreasing pain, improving bodily function and increasing physical quality of life.”


We know that acupuncture is effective for treating disorders such as osteoarthritis because its goal is not to simply mask pain, but treat the root causes of pain brought about by unbalance in the body. If you think you suffer from any form of osteoarthritis or are beginning to feel pain and stiffness in your joints, we’re here to help.


Ostearthitis Treatment

Achilles Tendon Pain? Try Acupuncture.


One of the more common orthopedic surgeries is an Achilles tendon repair, which can help to treat pain and mobility issues that stem from Achilles tendinopathy, or a swollen and painful tendon located behind the ankle and above the heel.

The condition, according to the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society, is most common amongst athletes, runners and patients who have general calf tightness. A common method of treatment is to surgically repair the part of the damaged/diseased tendon, often by removing it and reattaching it to the bone of the heel, and including removal of bursas (painful fluid filled sacks).

This procedure often requires a long recovery time, up to many months, and is said to be quite painful too.

For these reasons and more, it is well worth it to consider acupuncture prior to going under the knife.


Well, according to the Healthcare Medicine Institute, acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment modality for disorders of the Achilles tendon. In fact, in a recent article they say, “Two clinical case histories were published by Dr. Hawks demonstrating that acupuncture is, ‘highly effective, with rapid results for both acute and chronic Achilles tendinopathy and was performed easily in an austere environment.’”

In both of these case studies, patients received targeted acupuncture therapy at specific acupuncture points, and angled into the Achilles tendon itself.  Electroacupuncture techniques were also used at 30 Hz for 15 minutes.

During an interview with patients, they are quoted as saying one, “was skeptical about getting acupuncture at first; however, after receiving acupuncture, he was ‘able to walk without a limp.’”

The overall takeaway of the study?

“Acupuncture speeds repair and assists in the return of normal functioning of the tendon. Additionally, acupuncture. Strengthens the tendons and may prevent exacerbations, aggravations and future injuries.”

We already know the healing abilities of the ancient practice, and these case studies only help to further prove that acupuncture should be considered as a noninvasive, alternative therapy prior to making nay surgical decisions.

Acupuncture for Opioids - One Acupuncturist's Personal Passion

Most acupuncturists find their way into the field fueled by passion and a strong belief in the healing powers of the ancient art.


For acupuncturist Ryan Gauthier, there’s even more to it.

As the Detroit Free Press reports, after tragically losing his husband of five months to an opioid overdose this past Fall, utilizing acupuncture as a means for pain control is all the more important.

As the opioid epidemic in America continues to grow stronger and claim more and more lives, there’s more pressure than ever to find alternatives to these highly addictive, and often misused prescription pain killers.

Of the epidemic, Gauthier is quoted as saying, “It doesn't matter, your career. It doesn't discriminate (based on) your race, your gender. You can be a (health care) provider trying to help people ... and it can be the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with."

In fact, the CDC reports staggering statistics including:

·       From 1999 to 2016, more than 630,000 people have died from a drug overdose.

·       Around 66% of the more than 63,600 drug overdose deaths in 2016 involved an opioid.

·       In 2016, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids (including prescription opioids and illegal opioids like heroin and illicitly manufactured fentanyl) was 5 times higher than in 1999.

·       On average, 115 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose.

Acupuncture has been proven time and time again to help with chronic pain control, as evidenced by both numerous scientific studies a well as thousands upon thousands patient testimonials. By restoring chi, balancing the energy within the body and increasing circulation, swelling can decrease, pain can lessen, and speedier healing can be promoted.

Additionally, acupuncture can help decrease tension and anxiety, as well as promote a sense of overall wellbeing and relaxation – all factors that can attribute to pain control.

Prior to filling the prescription for opioids, acupuncture is well worth your consideration.

Gautheir reflects, "Knowing my own situation and the pain that it caused in my own life, I think it makes me want to work for better regulations, better systems in dealing with people after they’re addicted, trying to help patients reduce their use of opioids," he said.

"Even though we call it a crisis I don’t think we in society realize how bad it really is.”

Why Acupuncture is Your Best Bet to Beat That Bad Back

If you’ve felt some back pain recently, you’re not alone. About one in four adults in the US have experienced some sort of back pain over the last 3 months. And many times, particularly as we age, it’s difficult to pinpoint how or why you’ve got that soreness, knot or pulsating pain.



For years, many of us, whether under the orders of doctors or on our own, have reached for the ibuprofen or acetaminophen bottle to try and relieve back pain. But now, the American College of Physicians is recommending a new first line of defense against back pain before trying any sort of medication—natural therapies, among which acupuncture is one of them.


“There’s been a push over the past few years in my practice and in many others to push away from medications ― particularly opioids,” Allen Chen, director of physiatry at NewYork-Presbyterian/The Spine Hospital said to the Huffington Post, adding that this sea change to natural remedies has been long overdue.


There are a number of natural, physiological processes that those who suffer from back pain can opt for, including physical therapy, massage, and yoga. Acupuncture, however, is particularly suited to remedy back pain safely and for the long term because of its ability to treat root causes of pain and restore balance in the body.


For pain like back aches and soreness, licensed acupuncturists are able to “stimulate the proper points, especially polar points on the hands and feet, that rush blood back to the nervous system to assist the body in inflammation reduction," says Mona Ahdoot Dan, an LA-based acupuncturist. This act is similar to what medications are designed to do, but acupuncture is able to do this without the harmful side effects that painkillers and opioids come with.


Thankfully, with the ACP recognizing the benefits of holistic treatments like acupuncture, more and more people will stay away from harmful medications when their back starts acting up.


Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture and Ear Seeds, Oh My!

The wide ranging benefits of acupuncture have been covered at length, but more often than not it’s pain relief that has patients turning to the therapy. But acupuncture is for so much more than just pain relief, and we’re thankful that a recent article from Self reminded readers of that.


Aside from the analgesic effects of acupuncture, Self also outlined nearly all the benefits of acupuncture treatment form stress and allergy relief to calming relaxation. It also introduced two more recent advances in acupuncture treatment – electroacupuncture and ear seeds.



Performed in the same way as traditional acupuncture but with one big difference – electroacupuncture also uses a tiny electrical current that helps to augment and enhance the therapy.  It is thought that the use of the current can help to further stimulate the balancing of chi, and needle placement follows the same acupuncture points and meridians as the traditional approach.


Self quotes Joseph F. Audette, M.D., and the chief of the department of pain management at Atrius Health in Boston and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School as saying, “There’s a lot of evidence show­ing that electroacupuncture releases endorphins to relieve pain,” Dr. Audette says. “Also, you’re almost guaran­teed a quick response, whereas man­ual acupuncture takes more time and attention.” 


Ear Seeds

Essentially, ear seeds are exactly what the name says – tiny pellets placed along the outer ear and along specific acupuncture points. While acupuncture needles are always removed prior to the end of  a session, ear seeds, often the seeds of the vaccaria plant, are stuck to the ear via adhesive tape and can be left on for about five days. Also known as auriculotherapy, it’s said the benefits of ear seed therapy can include addiction and smoking cessation, headache and backpain relief, and more.


Acupuncture To Help With Postoperative Recovery


It’s no secret that our country is currently facing an opioid epidemic, and among the most common ways opioid addictions begin is after being legally prescribed pain relief for painful conditions, as well as post-operative recovery.



While surgeries are undoubtedly painful and require rest and treatment to fully recover, more and more patients are turning to alternative therapies as opposed to filling pain killer prescriptions, or to at least lessen the amount of time they require them for.


Is it working?


HealthCMi reports the findings from a clinical trial performed by researchers out of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The study followed the recovery of patients who received surgical treatment of intestinal cancer. These patients received both epidural morphine analgesia as well as acupuncture of the scalp  and showed improvement in both the visual analog scale scores as well as the Bruggman comfort scale scores.


The article states that gastrointestinal functioning was also improved in those who received scalp acupuncture, for both bowel recovery time as well as anal exhaust time, which were both significantly decreased by many hours.


In layman’s terms, this study found, “that scalp acupuncture combined with epidural morphine analgesia into an integrated treatment protocol is more effective than epidural morphine analgesia as a standalone therapy. The researchers conclude that scalp acupuncture is safe and effective for the relief of postoperative intestinal cancer pain.”


This doesn’t really come as a surprise to us, though, as it has long been known and studied that acupuncture can both improve pain as well as gastrointestinal issues. My promoting steady movement of Chi, unblocking energy and restoring balance to the body, acupuncture can help to restore many imbalances – and the body is often incredibly imbalanced after invasive surgery.


While it’s of course important to speak with your surgeon regarding post-operative pain protocols and acceptable therapies, it’s always a great idea to consider all options and be a well-informed patient.


You have a say in your recovery, and often times there are ways to avoid overexposure to opiods.


Carpal Tunnel and Acupuncture

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common conditions affecting adults. Over 8 million people are affected by Carpal Tunnel every year. It’s caused by the squeezing or pressing of the median nerve which runs from the forearm to the palm of the hand. When this happens, one can feel numbness, pain, and tingling in the palm of the hand and the fingers, particularly the thumb, index and middle fingers.


One thing that unites us is that we are constantly using our hands. No matter what line of work you’re in or what you do in your spare time, not having full use of your hands and wrists can be devastating. It’s something we take for granted.

While Carpal Tunnel is treated by medication and sometimes surgery, an article last year from Time got us excited about the effective way acupuncture can treat Carpal Tunnel. Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a study of 80 people who suffer from the condition and split them into 3 groups. Two of the groups received acupuncture while one was a placebo group. One of the acupuncture groups received acupuncture on the wrist and the other in points on the opposite ankle.

The results of the study were clear, the groups that received acupuncture saw an a lasting improvement in nerve condition. In a follow up session three months after the experiment, those who received acupuncture reported continued improvement—less pain, more feeling, and indeed a better life!

It’s no surprise to us that acupuncture is effective for treating Carpal Tunnel. The disorder is often associated with changes in the somatosensory cortex which is the part of the brain that is responsible for our sense of touch. Acupuncture, unlike medications, is able to treat root causes by focusing on the energy in our bodies and our brains.

More Evidence Points to Acupuncture Helping Menstrual Cramps

If you’re a woman, you know the feeling. That time of month rolls around, and the cramps start to flare up. Unfortunately, cramps are never convenient, and our lives don’t stop for them. Work, errands, and family still need to be taken care of, causing many women to deal with pain from menstrual cramps by taking pain medication.


Whether your menstrual cramps are minor or severe, they can take a toll on a woman’s quality of life. Acupuncture is thankfully there as a remedy, and now more evidence is pointing to acu’s viability as a long-term solution for menstrual cramps, not just a temporary fix. One of the reasons acupuncture works as a long-term solution to menstrual cramps is because of its ability to treat the root source of the problem, not just the symptoms, and its versatility in treating other side effects that severe menstrual pain can contribute to.

 “After having my menstrual cycle for twelve years, and feeling like it was an enemy and not a beautiful time for my body, I was really up for trying anything,” Kenslee, a 25 year old told “My menstrual pain and fatigue decreased immensely, and it also helped with my hormonal acne. I began sleeping better, and my mood swings around my cycle became less severe.”

"[Acupuncture] promotes optimal blood flow to and through the reproductive organs, reduces chronic inflammation, improves hormone balance, and reduces stress,” Merritt Jones, an acupuncturist and founder of Natural Harmony Reproductive Health and Jones Family Acupuncture told Bustle.

Over the past few years, numerous studies have been done that show acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating menstrual cramps and other issues in the reproductive system. Hopefully more and more women come to experience acupuncture as the safe, natural, reliable, and long-lasting treatment option for pain from menstrual cramps that it is.