Feeling Anxious Before an Operation? Acupuncture Can Help.

Facing an upcoming operation or procedure can be anxiety-inducing. With so many questions, uncertainties and concerns, it’s common to be feeling scared, nervous or anxious. It’s also quite normal to feel stressed out or worried about what your recovery will be like.

How will you feel? Will there be pain? What will your limitations be?

While we, unfortunately, can’t be there to hold your hand, you may be surprised to know that acupuncture can help you to relax and recharge both before and after an operation.

Here’s how.

Feeling Anxious Before an Operation

According to a study published by Cision entitled Acupuncture and Surgery: Relieve Anxiety Before and Reduce Discomfort After, Dr. Constance Chen (a plastic surgeon and breast specialist) explains, “Acupuncture can effectively reprogram the body to switch from the 'fight-or-flight' stress response to rest and relaxation.”

She adds, “The precise mechanism that causes this effect isn't known but it may be due to acupuncture increasing the body's production of endorphins, the natural hormones that counteract inflammation, pain, and stress.”

The study further explains that in some studies, “ perioperative acupuncture has been found to reduce stress and anxiety before surgery, reduce the need for opioids during surgery, and decrease both pain and post-operative nausea and vomiting after surgery.

Perhaps even more interesting?

According to the article, acupuncture performed DURING surgery, “in combination with conventional anesthesia can reduce the dose of opioids needed and provide a more comfortable post-operative experience than anesthesia alone.” And then after surgery, “Acupuncture can help alleviate pain and reduce the amount of medication needed to control it. Post-operative acupuncture may also promote the recovery of the immune system, bladder function, and the gastrointestinal tract.”

This is just even more evidence of the incredible healing powers of acupuncture. If you’re facing an upcoming surgery and would like pre or post-operative acupuncture, call our office or click here to book an appointment today!


Can Acupuncture Prevent Lower Back Surgery?

Every patient seeking acupuncture encounters the treatment for different reasons.

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Whether it's to improve your overall sense of well being or to treat a highly specific problem, its one of the least invasive and most natural ways to help combat physical, mental and emotional ailments.

One of the most common reasons acupuncture is sought after is back pain, and it's no surprise —  7 out of 10 Americans complaining of suffering from the condition at some point in their lives. But aside from helping to alleviate the pain, can it help to prevent the need for surgery down the line?  It's possible.

According to Medical News Bulletin, a Korean study went on to show that when compared with patients who sought acupuncture treatment, those who did not had a higher likelihood of needing surgery. 

The results suggested two possible reasons: acupuncture is effective at managing low back pain thereby decreasing the need for any lumbar surgery, and that the combination of both traditional and conventional medicine in Korea decreases the need for surgery.  It is also noted that study participants in the group that received acupuncture were,  "far more likely to receive other types of therapy too than those patients in the group that did not receive acupuncture: they received only conventional medicine treatments."

While additional studies are needed to confirm if acupuncture has the same effect when patients with low back pain of similar severity are compared (the researchers didn't know the level of severity for each patient) the results are quite favorable.

Once again, the potential and power of acupuncture is evident, and the benefits of seeking holistic and natural treatments prior to undergoing any severe or invasive procedures are so important to know.