Acupuncture and Cytokine Storms

One of the most recent acupuncture studies has just revealed promising results — acupuncture was shown to activate “different signaling pathways that triggered either a pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory response in animals with bacterially induced systemic inflammation.” Essentially, the treatment was shown to dampen a potentially fatal “cytokine storm” which is defined as a “severe immune reacting in which the body releases too many cytokines into the blood too quickly.”




Cytokine Storms

Having a large amount of cytokines released at once can be quite harmful, and is usually the result of an infection, an autoimmune disorder, or other diseases. It can also occur after treatments that include immunotherapy.


Why was this study important?


We are constantly looking for scientific data to back up what we already know to be the true power of acupuncture. This is another positive piece of evidence, albeit in mice.


According to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, the lead investigators out of this Harvard study believe, “that the experiments will help to define the neuroanatomical mechanisms underlying acupuncture, and offer a roadmap for harnessing the technique to help treat inflammatory diseases.”


They said, ““Our findings represent an important step in ongoing efforts not only to understand the neuroanatomy of acupuncture but to identify ways to incorporate it into the treatment arsenal of inflammatory diseases, including sepsis.”


We look forward to following more on this, and are proud that our practice has once again proven to be effective in healing and health.