Maximize Your Fall Skincare Routine

The changing of seasons is a great time to reassess your skincare routine, especially in seasonal environments like Bayonne and Jersey City, New Jersey.

So, why not maximize your fall skincare routine right now, before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season sets in. 

First, assess your skin. How are you feeling about your complexion? What is your skin’s texture? What are your problem areas or things you’d like to improve? Then, take a look at your current product inventory. What products are you loving? Which are you not using as you should? Are any expired?

After taking an inventory of your skin and your skincare, it’s time to make some changes. Here are our top tips to maximize your fall skincare routine.


Properly cleansing your skin is an important first step to achieve a clear, healthy complexion. For most, cleansing in the AM and the PM with a gentle cleanser is enough. 

Those with oily skin or acne-prone skin may opt to do a double cleanse, which is using a wipe or micellar water followed by a cleanser. Or, after cleansing, you can use a toner to ensure all debris and oils are removed from the face. 

We know the days can be long and there may not be much left in your tank at the end of the day, but ALWAYS remove your makeup and wash your face before bed. It’s super important. 


Hydration on the outside is just as important as it is on the inside. It’s obviously important to monitor your water intake throughout the day for its overall health and wellness benefits, but hydrating your skin is important too. 

Using a moisturizer after each cleanse can help you to restore any moisture you may have stripped while cleansing, and lock in hydration throughout the day.

Properly hydrated skin is supple, resilient, and refreshed.

Don’t forget to monitor your water intake, too! Healthy skin begins on the inside, and we generally recommend you drink about half your weight in ounces of water each day. 


Serums and spot treatments are an essential part of your skincare routine to target your specific concerns and problem areas. Serums containing retinol are excellent options for anti-aging concerns like fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin-C containing serums are an excellent way to give your skin tone a boost and achieve more vibrancy. 

When it comes to acne or breakout concerns, salicylic acid, niacinamide and other hydroxyacids are helpful in fighting inflammation, deep cleaning your pores and providing accelerated skin cell turnover which can reduce breakouts and result in a more smooth complexion.

Treatments like serums and spot treatments can be the most effective and important part of your refreshed skincare routine,  so it’s important to not skip this step! 

Professional Treatments

While an effective at-home skincare regimen is important, so is spending some time with your trusted skincare professional.  (They are the experts, after all.) 

A professional facial every 3-4 months is essential to achieve your skincare goals.  If you aren’t sure which facial type is the best for you, don’t worry. We provide each of our clients with a comprehensive skin evaluation prior to beginning any treatments. This way, our products and methods are completely tailored to your unique skin care needs, and skin goals.

Our personal favorite facial to perform is definitely the HydraFacial.  In only 3 steps and 30 minutes, the Hydra Facial uses “vortex fusion” technology and super serums crafted with the most nourishing ingredients. 

First, your skin will be gently exfoliated revealing a smoother, cleaner surface. Then, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed as debris is painlessly suctioned from your skin (seriously — it’s painless. It feels like a little vacuum for your face) and then nourished with intensive moisturizers.

Finally, your skin will receive a VIP treatment of antioxidants, peptides, and other glow inducing serums to leave you looking fresh and vibrant. Come and try our coveted HydraFacial at our Bayonne or Jersey City office today.  You’ll leave our center glowing and looking radiant. 

By assessing your current skincare routine, refreshing your products and sticking to a daily regimen, you’ll be well on your way to healthy and happy skin this fall, and beyond.

Wrist Pain? Let Acupunture Help

With most of us spending more and more time on our laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices, it’s no wonder we may be experiencing a surge in wrist and hand pain.

After-all, the curved and repetitive motions of typing and texting are unnatural to our bodies and can cause significant wear and tear.

Wrist Pain

Whether you’ve developed carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, arthritis, or are simply in discomfort — we’re here to help.

When seeking relief for wrist pain, your license acupuncturist will insert acuneedles at specific acupoints (located along the body’s internal meridians) and will restore the flow of qi — the energy that lies within your body. In doing so, circulation in the area will improve which means that blood flow will be restored, lessening inflammation and swelling and improving range of motion. Muscle spasms may soon begin to fade, too. Internal healing will begin within the first few minutes of treatment and will continue with subsequent appointments.

One of the most important factors, pain relief, will soon follow suit.

In addition to acupuncture, proper posture (maintaining a natural curvature of the wrist while typing), stretching, and hydration should be practiced as well. A hand and wrist massage daily is always a great idea too, as is avoiding overuse. (Which is easier said than done these days!)


Controversial Research Sparks Heated Acu Debate in China

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that originated in China millennia ago. It is an incredibly popular form of medical treatment in China, not only because of its effectiveness for treating a number of ailments, but because it is an important part of Chinese culture.

Perhaps there’s no better sign of how important acupuncture is to Chinese history and society than the reaction to a recent study in one of China’s most respected medical journals.



Last year, the journal Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion published an article written by three respected doctors from Dongzhimen Hospital in Beijing. The article claimed that a new study conducted by the doctors that acupuncture that is administered to a parent could benefit that parent’s child. That is, if I a child is feeling ill, the parent undergoing acupuncture—not the child—could help treat the child’s illness or pain.

The doctors claim that the concept of “quantum entanglement” is responsible for this phenomenon. Quantum entanglement says that “two particles, no matter how distant from each other in space and time, can be inextricably linked, in a way that defies the rules of classical physics.” 


The authors backed up their theory with an experiment of 15 patients with pain symptoms and their direct relatives. Fourteen of the patients were in the room alongside their relative who was receiving acupuncture, while one patient was in a separate room. The study claims that all 15 subjects reported a decrease in pain, while four subjects said their pain disappeared altogether.


The article has caused a wave of backlash, with many doctors coming out and disavowing its conclusion. One doctor said he was “speechless” after reading the article…and not in the good way. On Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, one popular comment read “The only thing that the researchers of this paper prove, is that they themselves need to be treated,” and one hashtag around the controversy received over 4 million views.


While we know acupuncture is an effective treatment for numerous ailments and pain management—for adults and children alike—we’re holding off on the whole “quantum entanglement” idea…for now!



Acupuncture Helping Those Who Respond to Natural Disasters


The past year has seen a number of devastating natural disasters in our country. Hurricane Harvey caused massive destruction in Texas, primarily the Houston area, while Puerto Rico is still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Maria. Right now in Northern California, the Carr Fire continues to cause massive damage, the 6th most destructive wildfire in the state’s history.

In all of these situations, first responders come to the affected area to provide the area with crucial services, including help to the victims and those who need to be evacuated. That work is incredible demanding on the body, and in such a high-pressure, stressful and fast-paced environment, first responders aren’t easily able to remember to take time to care for their bodies. And waiting months after the incident to treat injuries and pains makes the road to recovery that much more difficult.

Thankfully there are organizations out there that head to disaster areas with the goal of helping those in need and the first responders who are working to provide aid, such as Acupuncturists Without Borders and the Disaster Acupuncture and Massage Project. And new research shows that this type of treatment is very beneficial to its recipients. The study looked at over 1,000 victims and first responders in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Joso City Flood.

The victims were suffering all sorts of injuries and the first responders were frequently dealing with back, shoulder and knee issues brought about by the intense physical work of disaster relief. The study found significantly decreased pain in those who were administered massage and acupuncture.

Acupuncture helps folks recover from pain brought on by all sorts of situations. It’s great to know that it’s helping those who put their lives on the line in response to natural disasters.