NJ Acupuncture Center

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Maya Fertility Massage

Anyone struggling with infertility is likely researching any and everything they might be able to do to improve their chances of getting pregnant. 

While there are fertility specialists, medications, nutrition consultations, and of course acupuncture - there’s another modality that might be able to help - the Maya abdominal massage. 

This technique is said to help improve fertility, and uterine alignment, helping those with tilted uterus or even uterine prolapse. Here's how. 

Rooted in the ancient Mayan belief of the significance of the reproductive organs, specifically the uterus, being the "center" of the body, it's a gentle and external massage that should only be performed by trained professionals - like those at New Jersey Acupuncture Center. It might even be helpful for indigestion and constipation, too. 

As Daphne OZ reported on Oprah.com of her personal experience with the technique uses a mix of , "anatomy, physiology and herbology. Through noninvasive massage, this technique gently manipulates the muscles and tendons that hold all the belly organs in place to bring all things back into alignment and promote proper functioning."

Of course, proper circulation and alignment is key to fertility function, as well as to overall wellbeing, too. 

It also feels relaxing and therapeutic.  Of her experience, Oz recalled, "t doesn't sound like much, and I'm not doing it justice, but it was one of the most soothing sensations I've ever experienced..."

As opposed to more modern treatments, this is one of the most least invasive, pleasant, and affordable methods you might want to consider if you’re trying for a family. In some cases, it can even be performed during the prenatal and postpartum period as well.

Here are some of the specific benefits of the Maya massage technique:

Before conception:

  • Fibroids, polyps, endometriosis
  • Painful periods
  • Absence of a period
  • Preparation for IUI or IVF
  • Organ prolapse (out of position uterus)
  • Trauma support (emotional and physical)


  • Maintain positive flow of vital fluids (blood, lymph, oxygen and chi)
  • Establish the “love through touch” connection in utero
  • Ease digestive distress
  • Maintain proper uterine position, setting the stage for easy delivery
  • Ease discomfort from stretching and straining ligaments and muscles
  • Reduce chances of varicose veins


  • Reestablish integrity of the pelvic bowl (ligament strength, organ prolapse, pelvic pain, incontinence)
  • Nourish a new connection with the beauty of your post baby belly
  • Maintain balanced hormonal transition
  • Reduce possible scar tissue build up and adhesions post c-section
  • Ease digestive distress
  • Learn simple belly massage for you and baby! (great for colic)

If you’re interested in Maya Massage, call us today to make your appointment. The technique is also perfectly complimented with acupuncture!