Side Effects of Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an extremely minimally invasive treatment with little side effects.

However, The Times of India reports there are five relatively common “side effects” of the treatment that you may want to be prepared for. Though it’s important to note that none are severe, they don’t happen to all, and they are all signs the treatment is working.


Your acupuncture session can be relaxing and comforting, so don’t be surprised if you feel a bit sleepy after your session.


Most often this happens at the most sensitive areas of the body like your hands, feet, certain areas of the abdomen or the ears, and it’s totally normal. It can last for a few days, and heat may help soothe the slight soreness you may feel.


Slight bruising at the site of acuneedle insertion is fairly common and is not a cause for alarm. “This happens due to the collection of blood at the site where the needle punctures the skin,” says The Times of India.


This isn’t common, but some people may feel a bit dizzy after treatment. Often this is because treatment requires laying still, and patients may simply get up too quickly instead of relaxing and taking it slow. It’s also important to eat something light and healthy before treatment to prevent low blood sugar, etc.

Feeling Emotional

Acupuncture can sometimes cause a release of emotions, which is a great thing! Sometimes you may feel teary eyed as pent up energy is released and you’re cleansed of anything you may have been holding on to or repressing.