Is it Fall allergies, or COVID-19?

Fall Allergies

We love everything about fall. Except, the allergies.

Pumpkins, cool air, falling leaves, scented candles, warm sweaters - we can’t get enough! But with it comes snifles, sneezes, eye irritation and dryness that we could seriously do without. Especially during a pandemic.

So, if your nose is runny, throat is sore and you’re panicking wondering, “Is this my allergies or could I have COVID? We can try to help. Recently, NBC reported some key differences we felt were worthwhile to share.

The NBC reporter spoke to Pam Angelillo, an allergy nurse at UConn Health. She said, “Ragweed season is pretty high right now and that will last pretty much until the end of September into October until we start to get some colder weather.” Combine this with the fact that mold-related allergies become more problematic when wet leaves to fall, and it can be quite unpleasant.

Discerning between allergies and COVID-19 can be a bit difficult, as Angelillo said, “I think it’s going to be difficult for a lot of people,” says Angelillo. “Allergies will not give you a fever.“

Though, “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some of the overlapping symptoms are a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and congestion or runny nose.”

Regardless of what YOU may think, though, it’s very important to note that the CDC encourages anyone who is exhibiting signs of COVID-19 to get a test to confirm a diagnosis.

To help alleviate allergy symptoms, NBC reports that, “Dr. Angelillo recommends over the counter medications, washing your linens frequently, taking a shower after any outdoor activity, and as nice as it may be to sleep with the windows open as it gets cooler at night, keep your windows shut.”

And, she advised wearing and washing your mask frequently can help keep pollen, which can exacerbate your allergies, at bay as well.

Oh, and don’t forget acupuncture!

If you test negative for COVID-19 and know you’re suffering from seasonal allergies, acupuncture can help to calm histamine reactions, restore healthy blood flow, and reduce inflammation. This can improve your allergy symptoms significantly. So call or click here to book an appointment, today!

Reasons to Incorporate Acupuncture in your Fall Routines

The kick-off of fall looks quite different than most of us remember. Back to school is … different. Football Sundays look…different. Pretty much everything is not what we’re used to and if you’re anything like us, you’re craving a sense of normalcy.

Fall Routine

Let us help.

By incorporating acupuncture into your fall routine, you’ll not only be practicing self-care by prioritizing your health and wellness but you'll likely also reap these benefits, too.

  • Relaxation.

  • Alleviation of symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Improved circulation.

  • Reduced pain.

  • Improved digestion.

  • Better sleep.

  • Improved mood.

  • Reduction in allergy symptoms.

  • Alleviate menstrual symptoms and pain.

  • Help assist your fertility efforts.

  • Strengthen the immune system.

If you’re looking to incorporate acupuncture into your self-care routine, we would love to help. Call or click here to book your appointment today!

Beat Fall Allergies with Acupuncture

Fall Allergy Help

As the holiday season begins to speed along, one thing that can slow you down from decking those halls and shopping ‘til you drop is the sniffling, sneezing, itchy eyes and cough that plagues all too many people during allergy season. (And yes, it’s still allergy season.)

If the drastic change in weather hasn’t had you feeling it, your fall and early winter allergies just might. Don’t worry, though — acupuncture is here to help!

Utilizing traditional Chinese acupuncture methods as opposed to pharmaceuticals is a helpful, restorative and more natural way to have you feeling much better in no time — though it’s not the first reaction many of us have when we start combatting the sneezing season. Before grabbing for the Zyrtec or Claritin, consider acupuncture. But how will it help, exactly?

First, it’s important to better understand exactly what allergies are. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture explains, “Western medicine views seasonal allergies as a form of immediate hypersensitivity reaction which occurs when anti-bodies produced by lymphocytes interact with airborne particles such as pollen,” and this typically results in inflammation — which acupuncture is known to help remedy.

By restoring the flow of Qi, it an . also help to alleviate congestion and any associated sinus pain and pressure, too.

But is it effective? Nearly all patients will say they have shown some improvement — and scientific evidence is beginning to support the notion, too. In fact, Healthline reports, “In a review of published trials, researchers concluded that there is some evidence to support the claim that acupuncture is beneficial and cost-effective as an additional treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis.”

So if you’re sneezing, itching and watery eyes and overall feelings of discomfort are bothering you, head on in for a session today. You have nothing to lose - except your sniffles!

Happy Spring! Beat Your Allergies With Acupuncture

Beat Your Allergies With Acupuncture

Spring has sprung! You know what that means. The arrival of warm weather, new spring threads, trees budding, flowers blooming, the return of baseball season. But unfortunately, for many of us, that also means the return of dry, itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion, runny noses—all that comes with seasonal allergies.

Nothing can be more frustrating than when allergies hit at an unexpected time and interfere with enjoying the newly arrived nice weather and all the opportunity it brings. The good thing is, there’s time to prepare before the worst of allergy season arrives. And we’re not talking about stocking up on the over the counter allergy meds you see in those lame commercials.

This year, prevent and treat your allergies with the holistic approach of acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a reliable and lasting remedy for allergies because it does two concurrent, crucial things. 1) It treats the symptoms brought on by allergies (those runny noses and itchy throats, etc.) and, 2) it addresses the imbalances in the body’s energy that lead the body to be susceptible to seasonal allergies in the first place. Diet, exercise, pollutants, stress and more can effect the Wei Qi in our body, which is our cellular and molecular defense system. As Dr. Maureen Lamerdin writes: “Wei Qi's function is to protect and defend the body against foreign substances. When the supply of Wei Qi becomes inadequate attacks from bacteria, viruses and allergens get through our Wei Qi's defense system thereby producing symptoms.”

So this year, make sure your Wei Qi’s defense system is operating at its optimal level. An acupuncture regimen will ensure that it is, and that you can enjoy all this coming spring has to offer free from allergies.

Sneezing? Coughing? Itchy Eyes? We Can Help!

Though it’s not official for a few more days, the crisp temps are here to remind us that fall is (almost) here in full force. Bring on the colorful leaves, apple cider, chunky sweaters, boots and pumpkin spice lattes! But please, leave the allergies behind!

If you’ve already begun suffering with your seasonal allergies, we’re here to tell you it will probably only get worse as the temperatures continue to drop. But have no fear — acupuncture is here to help!

Traditional acupuncture is a restorative, much more natural way to have you feeling much better, quickly.

So while your friends may be keeping Zyrtec or Claritin in business, why not consider acupuncture? Here’s how it can help.

Allergies are often the result if inflammation, which acupuncture is known to help remedy. By restoring the flow of Qi, it ca also help to alleviate congestion and any associated sinus pain and pressure, too.

So if you’re sneezing, itching and watery eyes and overall feelings of discomfort are bothering you, head on in for a session today. You have nothing to lose - except your sniffles!

Acupuncture for Allergies

As we hit the middle of May, we’re right in the middle of springtime and everything that comes with it. Nice temperatures, the blooming of flowers and trees, plenty of sunshine, spring cleaning. All great things, right? But for many, it’s also allergy season.


You know the feeling. You walk outside on a beautiful day and all of a sudden you’re sniffling and sneezing and constantly pulling from the tissue box. Many people’s first instinct is to pop an antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritin and go about their day.

Others with more severe allergies take medications consistently to try and prevent the side effects.

But researchers in Germany have found that there’s an alternative for antihistamines when it comes to treating allergic rhinitis and sinus disorders—acupuncture.

All of the patients involved in the study suffered from seasonal allergic rhinitis for over two years and fell within the age range of 16-45. They were broke into three groups—one receiving acupuncture, one receiving dummy acupuncture, and one receiving the antihistamine Cetirizine (in the U.S., commonly known as Zyrtec).

While the folks receiving both the “real” and “fake” acupuncture treatments were encouraged to take antihistamines on their own throughout the 8-week trial period, the study showed that the group receiving acupuncture didn’t feel the need to take their antihistamines as often as the others. That’s because acupuncture was found to be a far better alternative than merely taking medication.

“The researchers add, seasonal allergic rhinitis ‘symptoms decreased significantly in the acupuncture group compared with the other study groups,’" the study says.

When the weather turns for springtime, allergies can really put a damper on quality of life and the ability to live an active lifestyle. If you’re one of the many people who dread the coming sniffles and sore throats, acupuncture can help you get back to enjoying this beautiful time of the year.

Beat Spring Allergies by Getting Acupuncture Now

Who doesn't love spring? The weather is warmer, the colors pop, birds are chirping and days are longer.

But with that, especially for allergy sufferers, comes an increase in pollen and other allergies causing sneezing, sniffling, itchy eyes, headaches, and an overall sense of feeling not-so-great. Right? 


If you're tired of the same allergy-fighting routine and are looking for a more holistic approach, be sure to give acupuncture a try. As CNN reports, acupuncture treatment just might be an antidote for allergies. 

The article cites a study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, where researchers examined 422 people who tested positive for pollen allergies and had allergic nasal symptoms such as a runny nose. They were then divided into three subgroups, one which  received 12 acupuncture treatments and took antihistamines as needed, a second group which received 12 fake acupuncture treatments  and took antihistamines as needed, while the third who only took antihistamines for symptoms.

After two months, patients were asked to report their symptoms as well as how much medication they used. The results? The participants who received the real acupuncture treatments with their antihistamines showed a greater improvement in their allergy symptoms and less use of antihistamines compared to the other groups.

It's long been known that acupuncture can help with pain and inflammation, which are two symptoms of allergies. The ancient procedure can also help repair the flow of qi throughout the body,  along the meridian pathways. In session, be sure describe the symptoms to your practitioner so they can strategically place the acuneedles at targeted points. 

If you find yourself suffering from seasonal allergy symptoms, come on in and give treatment a try. You have nothing to lose (except your stuffy nose, that is!)