Acupuncture a Great Solution for GERD and Peptic Ulcers

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If you’re feeling a burning sensation in your stomach, heartburn, nausea, and experience discomfort when eating certain fatty foods, you may not be dealing just with your garden-variety indigestion.

While they are fairly rare, you could be dealing with a peptic ulcer. Around 200,000 cases of peptic ulcers are treated a year, and usually only when they cause severe pain. On top of it all, many times, peptic ulcers are caused by overuse of over the counter painkillers and NSAIDs…the medications many use for their pain and discomfort instead of seeking out holistic and natural approaches.

But, 75% of peptic ulcers go untreated, with many people believing they just suffer from heartburn or stomach aches. The good thing is that, regardless of if you’re been professionally diagnosed with a peptic ulcer or do indeed just GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), acupuncture is here to help. A recent study has been done that shows that acupuncture combined with medications was more effective in treating peptic ulcers than the medications alone. According to the study, the drug control group achieve an 82.2% total effective rate, while the acupuncture treatment group achieve a 95.6% total effective rate.

And the acupuncture proved to be a more long-lasting solution to treating peptic ulcers. In a follow up a year after the initial study, patients receiving only drug therapy had a 41.7% recurrence rate of peptic ulcers. Patients receiving drug therapy plus acupuncture had a 15.4% recurrence rate. 

An additional study sought to find out acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating GERD, specifically a subset of the disorder called non-erosive reflux disease. The study concluded: “Acupuncture regulates the following bodily processes: gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal motility, neuroendocrine related secretions, perceived pain thresholds. Acupuncture increases the concentration of blood motilin (a polypeptide hormone) and gastrin, both of which restore LES motor function, effectively treating GERD.”

So if you or anyone you know is dealing with chronic GERD issues or has a peptic ulcer, be sure to make an appointment and get started on your acupuncture treatment.