Acupuncture for Acne, Again!

At NJ Acupuncture Center we are firm believers in the healing powers of acupuncture for skin problems — especially acne. We’ve seen the results for ourselves, but it always feels good to see it covered and discussed elsewhere.

Acupuncture for Acne

Just last week, Women’s Health interviewed experts on the topic. Here are some highlights from the article, which was shared as part of their Acne Week 2020 series.

Facial acupuncture could help acne by addressing underlying causes like hormonal imbalances.

As we’ve previously explained, acupuncture can help with a slew of hormonal issues that are related to women’s health and for many, this encompasses skin issues as well. By restoring the balance of Qi, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation and less stress, acupuncture can help restore the balance that may enable the skin to clear.

Identifying the Root Cause

In order to best treat the patient, it’s imperative to uncover the root cause. Then, it can be treated in a targeted way. The article explains, “In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the region of your face where you’re breaking out (think: your chin vs. your cheeks) can be an indicator of the root cause,” so a thorough initial assessment is key.

It Requires Consistency

Like most good things in life, acupuncture treatment for acne will require a bit of consistency in order to provide lasting improvement. Similar to what the article states, we recommend coming in once to twice a week for about 2-3 months, and then twice a month maintenance treatments over time.

If you’re struggling with acupuncture and are interested in pursuing a minimally invasive and holistic approach, call to schedule a consultation and appointment today!

Gwyneth Paltrow is a Fan of Facial Acupuncture

Ever wonder how celebrities achieve their glowing and age defying complexions? Us, too. 


Unfortunately, not too many celebs are eager to spill their secrets to the fountain of youth. But thankfully, Gwyneth Paltrow just did!

This past Wednesday, Paltrow posted a zoomed in selfie of her flawless face on Instagram with acu-needles perfectly placed. The caption read, “Is anyone else into acupuncture? Check out link for a video with master @iloveacupuncture." 

(PS - We're totally into acupuncture too, Gwyneth!)

Her acupuncturist of three years, who US Weekly reports is Paul Kempisty LAc, is quoted by the publication as saying, “facial acupuncture, also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is performed much like regular acupuncture but with a particular focus on supporting connective tissue, circulation and detoxification of the face.”

He further explained, “The local face points also specifically promote wound healing, collagen production, circulation and relaxed and supple muscles on the face and often produces a feeling of deep relaxation and rejuvenation during and after the procedure.”

Here at NJ Acupuncture Center, we take pride in our facial acupuncture services, which are gaining in popularity.

Our acupuncturists are trained to help clients achieve their skincare goals, whether it be anti-aging, improved complexion, acne treatment and more.  We utilize a variety of techniques to help restore your complexion, fight signs of aging, lift and tone the skin, and improve circulation for an overall fresher look.

If you're interested in incorporating acupuncture into your skincare and beauty routine, please call the office at (201) 668-0343 to schedule an appointment! 

Woman Shares How Acupuncture Cleared Her Acne

Unless you’ve experienced it first hand,  it’s hard to understand how frustrating, painful, and upsetting acne can be. Whether you struggle with painful cystic acne, hormonal breakouts, unsightly patches of inflammation or anything in between, thankfully acupuncture can help.

Over on, author Chelsea Taber Burns opened up about how her experience with acupuncture completely cleared her acne, even after having tried the harsh and potentially dangerous drug Accutane, and “every new zit-zapping product that comes across my desk.”

Originally skeptical, she booked an appointment with a certified acupuncturist specializing in cosmetic acupuncture in New York City. Even though she’d describes herself as being terrified of needles, she decided to give it a go.

After her first treatment she describes, “After assessing my face in the mirror at home, it definitely looked fresh, bouncy, and dewy. Elana had told me it can take a few treatments before you start seeing serious skin-clearing results (I have!), but because the pins get your blood flowing, you immediately leave with a youthful flush.”

For Chelsea, facial acupuncture used in conjunction with lasers and products form a sensitive skin line have helped her, “each peak glowy, pimple-free skin potential—the kind of skin I’ve been dreaming about my whole life.”

So exactly how does acupuncture help your skin? A holistic way to help fight skin irritation, infection and inflammation, acupuncture treatment can help ensure your energies are flowing, and thereby nutrients are flowing, too. It can also help to restore any hormonal imbalances that might be responsible for skin impurities.

In contract to topical treatments, acupuncture is a minimally invasive way to try to fight the acne and blemishes from the inside, out. Much like how food is used for medicinal purposes, as well as ingested medications.


Goodbye, Zits - Acupuncture for Acne

If you’ve ever struggled with Acne, you know that you’ll do anything to remedy it. From expensive treatments, facials, creams, lotions, and even pills – there are tons of options out there that promise cleaner, smoother skin. If you’re still struggling, there is growing evidence that perhaps acupuncture might be able to help. Here’s how.

According to a post found within, acupuncturists believe that acne is a result of an imbalance of chi, like many other ailments and diseases. By removing the original cause of the imbalance and restoring property flow, acne can improve.

The article states that many studies have shown the following results:

·       It reduces acne inflammation by releasing vascular and immunomodulatory factors.

·       It enhances natural killer cell activities

·       It increases local microcirculation to disperse swelling

·       Reduction of inflammatory lesions

·       Overall improvement in the complexion

While the specific points used for treatments may vary depending on your skins individual needs, the article also specifically describes some of the more popular acne acupuncture points:

·       Heavenly Pillar points-  located half an inch beneath the skull on backside of the neck

·       Sea of vitality–located 2 -3 inches above the buttocks on the sides of the spine on the lower back.

·       Third eye point– located between the brows on the forehead.

·       4 Whites–located beneath the eyes: on the cheeks and half an inch beneath the lower ridge of the eyes.

·       Facial beauty– beneath the 4 Whites points on the center of the cheeks and bottom of the cheekbones.

·       Heavenly appearance– These points for acupuncture acne treatment lie below the earlobe and behind the jawbone

In addition to acupuncture, dietary changes can also have a large impact on success. Often times patients find that eliminating dairy, refined sugars, and other inflammatory or irritating foods can have a significant improvement on their complexion, too.