Acupuncture In The Media: GQ Covers Acu!


It’s always good to see when a big media outlet takes a deep dive into the wonderful world of acupuncture. Though acupuncture has been on this earth for thousands of years, and in the United States for around a half a century, there still remains plenty of room for awareness around acupuncture to grow. So we were encouraged to come across a new article in GQ by Emily Abbate that breaks down how acupuncture can help folks manage pain avoid injury.

One of the interesting notes in the article is, indeed, how popular acupuncture is becoming. More than 14 million people in the US have tried acupuncture, and while we’d love to see that number go up, there’s reason to believe that it is. The article notes how the number of Veterans Health Centers that offer acupuncture has nearly doubled over the past seven years. As opioids and other potentially damaging drugs are too often prescribed to veterans, seeing that more will have access to acupuncture is a welcome sign.

The article highlights that acupuncture is effective at treating “chronic pain, including back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as conditions like chronic headaches and osteoarthritis,” as well as helping athletes’ bodies recover quicker from soreness and improve range of motion. That’s all true, but a quick look at our blog shows that acupuncture is an effective treatment for so much more, too. It’s always worth asking us if we can help you with your specific pain management issues; acupuncture can address just about any issue in the body where the energy is out of whack.

Finally, it’s good to see that the article also took a little bit of time to speak to the preparations that a new patient should take before their first visit. Since acupuncture is foreign to many people, it’s understandable to be intimidated. But as the article states, there isn’t much one needs to do before coming. Wearing some comfy clothes and coming in with a positive attitude and ready to relax is pretty much it. Leave the rest up to us!

College Football Team Using Acupuncture To Stay on the Field

It’s that time of year—the leaves are changing, the temperatures dropping, pumpkin spice lattes are being drank, and of course football is in high season.


Football is one of the most physically demanding sports for its participants, and it’s understandable that many players are often seeking as many different types of treatments to deal with their injuries and overall pain. And while most college and all professional teams employ big medical staffs that include doctors, trainers, and massage therapists, not too many have a team acupuncturist on staff. Boise State University is one of them.


A few years ago, a player on the Boise State team was dealing with a hamstring issue. The team medical staff had an idea—the player should try acupuncture to see if his injury would heal faster. They called on local licensed acupuncturist Dana Logan.


“They were flying out the next day, and I thought, ‘If this doesn’t work, acupuncture isn’t happening again.’ I had that session to make an impression, and it obviously worked,” Logan recalls.


The treatment was a success, and that that moment was the beginning of a fruitful relationship between the team and Logan. Logan’s treatment regiment isn’t just about helping heal players’ one-off injuries. She has developed treatments that help players with everything from improving range of motion, to properly functioning muscles, to helping players’ bodies be better prepared for post-football life, something we know many former football players struggle with after their playing days are over.


“Acupuncture in football is going to become more and more mainstream,” Logan said. “I think it’s awesome Boise State is ahead of it and has given it a chance.”


Many individual athletes utilize acupuncture to help stay on the field. As acupuncture gets more popular, there’s no doubt that more teams and organizations will encourage their players to seek it out.



Acupuncture for Psoriasis

Dry, flaky or itchy red spots on the skin are an unfortunate dermal condition that affects up to 7.5 million Americans.

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More common amongst adults but also known to afflict children too, its caused by rapidly multiplying skin cells that result in a build up of the dying cells beneath the skin’s surface. Typically, it looks like raised and red plaque with white scales ans is commonly found on the knees, elbows and scalp but can also affect other parts of the body.

Though frustrating and uncomfortable, there are a variety of treatments — mostly topical, — that can help to treat plaque psoriasis. But before you head to the pharmacy, you just might want to try acupuncture first.

According to a systemic review published in JAMA Dermatology as explained by Healio, alternative therapies are sought by up to 51% of patients with psoriasis. Popular among them — acupuncture.

Upon reviewing articles published between 1991 . and 2017, researchers shared the following findings:

  • “one meta-analysis that concluded acupuncture improved psoriasis.

  • three randomized clinical trials that found meditation and guided imagery therapies showed modest efficacy in psoriasis treatment.

  • five randomized clinical trials that concluded topical indigo naturalis application significantly improved psoriasis treatment.

  • three randomized clinical trials that found curcumin provided statistically and clinically significant improvements in psoriasis plaques.

  • 20 studies that concluded that though fish oil treatment was not effective in randomized clinical trials in treating psoriasis, fish oil was effective when used daily.”

The powers of holistic therapy are nothing new, but any time the healing power of acupuncture and other noninvasive therapies are discovered, it’s worth celebrating.

If you are struggling with psoriasis or any other frustrating skin conditions, schedule an appointment with us today!

How Acupuncture Can Help Lupus Patients


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a form of the autoimmune disease also known as Lupus.

A difficult and often frustrating autoimmune disease, Lupus affects nearly 1.5 million people across the US with symptoms including inflammation, pain and tissue damage.

Patients are often willing to try anything to combat their symptoms and restore their immune systems. Thankfully, acupuncture can play a significant role in their efforts.

A recent article by Very Well explains how the ancient art of acupuncture just might help a Lupus patient.

It’s long been believed (and proven) that acupuncture can help reduce inflammation and pain by improving circulation and the proper flow of qi, and this can be especially importnat for someone with a Lupus diagnosis.

In fact, the 2008 study entitled 'Acupuncture for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A pilot study RCT feasibility and safety study' published in Sage Journals examined the role of acupuncture as a means of pain treatment within the Lupus population.

Twenty four patients with the SLE manifestation of Lupus were given either standard acupuncture treatment, acupuncture treatments performed with less needles, or to remain on their existing treatment plan without treatment.

The results?

“At the end of the trial, 40% of the patients in both the standard acupuncture treatment group and the minimal needling group experienced an improvement in their pain levels of at least 30%.”

Interestingly but perhaps unsurprisingly, “the group that remained on their usual care plan reported no improvement in their pain levels.”

Ultimately, “the study concluded that acupuncture is a valid, safe and effective method to treat pain in patients with SLE.”

If you hare struggling with a lupus diagnosis and the pain, inflammation and malaise that can typically come with it — you’re not alone. Let NJ Acupuncture Center help.

PCOS + Acupuncture

While it’s well understood that acupuncture can help a variety of ailments, many women may not know that the treatment can be especially helpful in treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, commonly known as PCOS.

The syndrome, which is unfortunately common — affecting about 1 in 10 women of childbearing age — causes irregular periods, polycystic ovaries, and excess androgen levels. It can lead to infertility, pain, diabetes, depression/anxiety, abnormal bleeding and more.

Thankfully, acupuncture can help, and a new study further supports the notion.


A recent study released by the Maternal and Child Healthcare Hospital of Hengfeng County China is explained via HealthCMi, Healthcare Medicine Institute.

In the study, researchers compared the efficaciousness of acupuncture and drug therapy and found incredibly encouraging results.

Within the study, 124 women who had been diagnosed with infertility because of PCOS participated, with the control group receiving conventional drug therapy, and the study group receiving both drug therapy and acupuncture treatments.

As outlined in the study, women who received acupuncture therapy received the treatment at the following points:

  • Baihui (GV20) – raises yang and benefits qi

  • Tianshu (ST25) – raises clear yang qi and descends turbid fluids

  • Qihai (CV6) – supplements the kidneys, benefits essence and original qi

  • Guilai (ST29) – regulates blood flow and menstruation

  • Geshu (BL17) – tonifies qi and blood

  • Xinshu (BL15) – invigorates blood and calms shen

  • Shenshu (BL23) – tonifies the kidneys and nourishes essence

  • Pangguangshu (BL28) – regulates the lower burner, warms yang, and promotes the transformation of qi

The results?

Women who received both treatments showed improvement in, "regulation of hormone levels and ovarian blood flow, which are significantly greater improvements than using only conventional drug monotherapy.”

Overall, it’s safe to say that, “acupuncture has the potential to improve clinical outcomes for women with PCOS when combined with usual care.”

If you are struggling with PCOS or other female reproductive health issues, NJ Acupuncture is happy to help. Call the center to begin treatment today.